R.E News

Youth Mass

The 5.30pm Parish Mass at the Cathedral last Sunday was the first Youth Mass for 2019. Thanks to all students and staff from O’Connor who gave their time to help and participate in the Mass. The music was really terrific. Youth Mass is on twice a term at the Cathedral and it would be wonderful to see as many families from O'Connor as possible there. The next Youth Mass is on March 24th.  Mass is on at the Cathedral every Sunday at 8.00am, 10.00am and 5.30pm. There is also a vigil mass at 6.00pm every Saturday.


March 6 (Ash Wednesday) marks the beginning of Lent. Lent is the period of preparation before the great feast of Easter, the cornerstone of our faith. To prepare for Lent, Catholics worldwide embark on programs of prayer, abstinence and almsgiving or charity. 

Ash Wednesday

Our students will attend a solemn Mass presided over by Father Roel in the De La Salle Chapel at 9.15am on March 6. Year 11 students will join our Catholic Community in the Cathedral for Mass at 12.30pm. Both groups will receive the ashes of the burnt palms from Holy Week last year on the their forehead with the message “Repent and believe the Gospel.”  So if your child comes home with a black mark in the form of a cross on their forehead, it's a good thing!

Project Compassion

The eldest child in each family will be given a project compassion box to take home over Lent. Project compassion is a fundraiser for the great Church charity, Caritas. During Lent it is traditional to give up something such as chocolate and donate the money you usually spend on this to Project Compassion. These boxes need to be returned to the College at the start of next term.

Lenten Group

Mrs. Fittler will be leading a Lenten group in the De La Salle Chapel on Thursday afternoons at 3.30pm. Students, parents and parishioners are very welcome to attend.

Shrove Tuesday

The St Vincent de Paul Society at college will be celebrating Shrove Tuesday (March 5) next week. They will be making pancakes and selling them with proceeds to Caritas. Bring $2 and enjoy some delicious pancakes.





Damian Roff