From the Deputy Principal ELC-12

Welcome to the students and teachers from sister school, Nagoya Otani High School.

Welcome back to Term 3!

I hope you all had an enjoyable and restful break. The school always comes alive with the energy and excitement of students, families and staff converging through the gates of Blackfriars Priory School for the journey of a new term. It is a time of sharing stories, being reunited with friends and meeting some new ones as we all settle into the classroom and school routines that will lead us through the term ahead.


Our staff are committed to academic excellence and this semester they will continue to have high expectations of students, challenging them to achieve their personal best. I ask all students, regardless of year level, to commit to their studies which is an important pillar of Dominican life. St Dominic sent the friars to the great universities of his time to study, to preach, and to establish places of learning. Blackfriars Priory School is one such place of learning and we want to prepare students for life beyond school.


This term there are many exciting and wonderful events that will take place to celebrate community. These events include Blessed Joan of AZA Celebrations in the Early Learning Centre, St Dominic’s Day, SACE Information Evening, Subject Counselling nights, Parent/Student/Teacher Learning Conversations, Maths and English competitions, Quiz Night, University presentations, Science Week, Book Week, Intercol Week, Father’s Day, Annual Music Concert, ABODA Music Festival and the Catholic Schools Music Festival. I would like to thank all the students and staff who are organising and participating in these events and celebrations.


This term we have also welcomed students from across Europe and Asia. I thank all the staff and students who have warmly welcomed our international visitors.


Global literacy is going to be a key requirement of our young people, as Australia seeks to strengthen its ties with other countries. Blackfriars Priory School continues to build connections internationally to develop knowledge and understanding of societies, cultures, beliefs and environments. Our strong sister school relationship with Nagoya Otani High School in Japan since 1998 and our recent relationships with various schools across Asia and America is evidence of our commitment to global communities, perspectives and active citizenship.


Honour Roll

The Honour Roll is attached below and we acknowledge the students for their outstanding academic achievements and commend them for their perseverance and hard work throughout Semester 1. The depth and breadth of their academic results are a credit to the students and their teachers and reflective of the considerable commitment which has been made.

Student Progress 

Following the Semester 1 Report, students who have received Ds or Es will meet with their Head of House to review and reflect upon their academic results.


Year 12 students who received a D or an E will also meet with Mrs Daniela Piteo, Senior Student Services and Pathways Coordinator to review and discuss their progress, in particular their post-school options.


A more detailed report that summarises the grades per class in each subject was emailed to the Curriculum Leaders as well so we can identify early intervention strategies and support for the students.


Subject Selection Process 2018

Term 3 begins our Subject Selection process for 2018. Students, with the support of their families, make important decisions regarding the subjects which will prepare and shape their future pathway(s). All information, including the 2018 Curriculum Handbook and Subject Selection Forms have been finalised and the 2018 Curriculum Handbook will be available on the Blackfriars Priory School website by Wednesday 9 August 2018. Information regarding Course Counselling for current Year 10 and 11 students was placed in the report envelopes which were distributed to students on Friday 7 July 2017. The Course Counselling days are Tuesday 22 August 2017, 2.00pm to 7.00pm and Tuesday 29 August 2018, 2.00pm to 6.00pm. You only need to book one session with your course counsellor on one of these days. Your login details for booking a course counselling session were also included with the Term 2 report.


The SACE and Subject Information Evening for current Year 10 and 11 students has been scheduled for Week 4, Monday 14 August 2017 from 6.30pm to 8.30pm in the Neill Gymnasium. This evening will provide students and their families with information about the 2018 curriculum offerings and allows discussion with the Curriculum Leaders and Subject Teachers. The 2018 SATAC and Tertiary Publications will be distributed on this evening to assist students with their subject selection process. The Universities and TAFESA will also present information on the specific offerings at their institutions. At the conclusion of this presentation, parents and students will be able to speak with Subject Teachers and Curriculum Leaders to ask any questions and seek clarification on any subject matters.


For organisational purposes, all RSVPs are due to Home Group Teachers by Wednesday 9 August 2017. If you have not already done so, please return the reply slip as soon as possible.


The counselling process supports students in planning their transition from school to further education and/or training and employment. On the Course Counselling Days, each counsellor will spend 15 minutes with each student and their family to discuss their:


•          Personal goals

•          Strengths and challenges

•          Interests and hobbies

•          Career aspirations

•          Subject choices

•          Flexibility of the SACE and SACE Requirements

•          Tertiary Study options – Entrance Requirements

•          Edval Webchoice


EDVAL Webchoice

Edval Webchoice has been set up in preparation for Course Counselling. During the Course Counselling sessions, the counsellors will support students in making their subject choices online.


Edval Webchoice:

  • Is an online system designed to capture student subject selections
  • Selections are validated according to curriculum rules
  • Captures both primary and reserve preferences in priority order
  • Students can login at any time from home to make or change their selections


The student preferences entered into the online system will be exported to the Edval Timetable Software and will inform the 2018 line structure.


Key Dates

Week 4 - Monday 14 August 2017, 6.30-8.30pm

SACE and Subject Information Evening – Curriculum Leaders, Year 12 Teachers and Heads of House will be available during the evening. This evening is compulsory for all current Year 10 and 11 parents and students.


Week 4 - Monday to Friday

Year 10 and 11 students are to consult with their current subject teachers to seek approval for their subject choices. Subject teachers will need to sign the subject selection form if student subject choices are approved.


Week 4 - Friday 18 August 2017

Year 10 and 11 students to hand completed subject selection form to their Home Group Teacher. Student’s Head of House will meet with Curriculum Leaders to review current course selection.


Week 5 and 6 - Tuesday 22 August (2.00pm-7.00pm) and 29 August 2017 (2.00pm-6.00pm)

Course Counselling Sessions (Optional)


Week 6 - Thursday 31 August 2017

Final date for current Year 10 and 11 students to complete their 2018 subject selections.


After this date, any change of subject must be submitted to the Senior Student Services and Pathways Coordinator, Mrs Daniela Piteo, and is subject to approval by the Deputy Principal ELC – 12, Mrs Anna Mirasgentis.


Please note that Year 7, 8 and 9 students will complete their subject selections with their Key Teacher.


SATAC Presentation to all Current Year 12 Students

The Year 12 SATAC presentation outlining the SATAC application process and selection rules for University and TAFESA courses will be held during the Pastoral Care session on Wednesday 16 August 2017. Students will be provided with information and a package of resources to support them to make informed decisions regarding their future pathways. Mrs Daniela Piteo and I will demonstrate to students how to navigate the new SATAC website so students are familiar with the site and are aware of the application process and the changes for 2018.


Mrs Piteo and I will offer support to students with the SATAC application process and the information we have put together will be distributed to all current Year 12 students which will facilitate discussions and empower students to take an active role in making decisions and planning for the next stage of their life.


Have a wonderful weekend!


Mrs Anna Mirasgentis

Deputy Principal ELC - 12