Congratulations to the International and EAL students who have worked consistently all year to learn all subject topics and improve their English. They would not have been able to do this without their teachers, support staff and of course, their local friends and classmates.


An example of this is how the Outdoor Education Class has been supporting the EAL students with the Bridging EAL garden by completing the path around the hearts. Another example is how Fee Funke supported Vicky Cheng at assembly this week. Finally, all the students who have made the ELC students feel welcomed and encouraged in the classroom.


As the ELC has ended classes for the year, thank you to all staff involved this year in the program: Leah Liakos, Rochelle Dickson, Dhali Briedis, Jonathan Hall and  Phil Hull. A huge thank you also to  Si Feng and Yinan Zhang who have been an invaluable asset to the program.


Wishing you all a safe and happy summer break and all the best for next year!


Ms Ekaterina Xanthopoulos

ELC and EAL Coordinator