Sports News 2019

National Softball Championship

We have some exciting news from one of our year 6 boys, Ethan, who is going to compete in the National Softball Championships in Sydney in November this year! He will be representing Victoria for this event.

Ethan participated in trials over two days. He was tested in areas for agility, strength, speed, batting and throwing power, base running, game skills and game knowledge. He is one of the younger boys in his team.

Not only this, but Ethan has been selected as a reserve player for the U14 boys’ State softball team at only 11.

Well done Ethan and good luck for Sydney!

BDSSA Girls’ Soccer Tournament


On Friday the 19th of July 2019, our Plenty Parklands girls’ soccer team competed in the BDSSA Girls’ Soccer Tournament. The opponents were St. Francis of Assisi. Both teams put in their best efforts and Plenty Parklands proudly took home the win.  The opposing team never gave up and Plenty Parklands went into the competition not doubting their abilities. With saying that, both teams showed every value in the book and there was not a moment where there were any strong protests or arguments. Each player was calm, cool and collected.


We had a day of fun and it was overly enjoyable. Both teams congratulated each other and we were very humble about our win with a whopping score of 8-1. In the first half we scored seven, then both team’s conceded 1 goal each in the second. Soon to be held, there will be a next round going ahead on Wednesday the 31st of July, 2019. Our Plenty Parklands team will be representing the entire Bundoora Division, in the next stage. We wish all the participants good luck going into the next round. We would like to thank all of the parents for their support and for carpooling students to the game.

Also a huge thank you to Mr. C and Ms. Gatt for making this day possible.