Upcoming Dates

Please mark these in your diary!

APRIL 2021

Friday 30th April

St Ed's School Cross Country

MAY 2021

Saturday 1st May

First Eucharist Enrolment Mass, 5.30pm Mary Help of Christians Church


Sunday 2nd May

First Eucharist Enrolment Mass, 9.00am OR 5.30pm Mary Help of Christians Church


Tuesday 4th May

PRIMARY Mother's Day Stall - all gifts $6 each


Wednesday 5th May

INFANTS Mother's Day Stall - all gifts $6 each 


Friday 7th May

Mother's Day picnic at the Primary Campus (K - 6), 1.00pm - we invite all families to bring a picnic lunch & picnic blanket to share a meal with your family 

Diocesan Cross Country, Barraba


Sunday 9th May

Mothers' Day


Monday 10th May

PRIMARY BOOK FAIR from 8.00am in the Multi Purpose Hall


Tuesday 11th May 

INFANTS BOOK FAIR from 8.00am in the Infants Hall


Tuesday 11th - Thursday 13th May

NAPLAN Testing for Years 3 & 5

June 2021

Sunday 6th June 

First Eucharist, 9.00am Mary Help of Christians Church


Friday 11th June

Diocesan Gala Day, Inverell - Rugby League, Netball & Soccer


Monday 14th June

Queen's Birthday (Public Holiday)


Tuesday 15th June

St Ed's Parent Association Meeting, 6.00pm Primary Staffroom


Friday 25th June

Term 2 concludes

School Terms 2021

Term 2  Monday 19th April - Friday 25th June

Term 3  Monday 12th July - Friday 17th September 

Term 4  Tuesday 5th October - Friday 17th December

Pupil Free Days 2021

Term 3 - Friday 17th September

Term 4 - Thursday 16th & Friday 17th December 

Sporting Dates 2021  

Term 2 Week 2:  Friday 30th April - School Cross Country

Term 2 Week 3:  Friday 7th May - Armidale Diocesan Cross Country, Barraba

Term 2 Week 8: Tuesday 8th June - NSWCPS Cross Country Championships, Eastern Creek

Term 3 Week 3: Thursday 29th July - School Athletics Carnival, Tamworth Athletics Centre 

Term 3 Week 5:  Friday 13th August - Armidale Diocesan Athletics Carnival, Tamworth Athletics Centre 

Term 3 Week 9:  Friday 10th September - Polding Athletics Carnival, Hunter Sports Centre, Glendale