Principal Reflections
A message from Dr Jake
Principal Reflections
A message from Dr Jake
Dear Parents & Friends,
On Wednesday evening a band of parents and teachers attended the "Real Talk" workshop. It was an opportunity to learn more about how to talk to your children on the topics of sex, relationships and personal identity. (Navigate to their website for more information: One of the interesting topics was on our children's use of technology and the role of parents in supporting their child's use.
Providing your children with the tools for online networking is a major step for today’s parents. You are not giving your child a ‘toy’; you are providing them with a tool to communicate with anyone and everyone across the entire globe. Most importantly, anyone and everyone can now have access to your child. As adults, we know that the world is full of ‘bad’ people who prey on the vulnerable and naive. Children need strict supervision as they explore the cyber world.
Some helpful hints for parents to manage online activities are:
It is important that children are receiving the same messages at home and at school. We teach cyber safety but this needs to be reinforced at home. Remember that schools teach road safety but do not give driving lessons.
Word about St Edward's learning program and increasing academic results has reverberated across our community. Demand for places in Kindergarten for the 2022 academic years has skyrocketed with over 75% of places filled. If you know of any family living within our Parish boundary looking for a place at St Edward's for next year, please advise them to complete an application form and make an appointment to visit our school for an interview. While we don't want parents to be disappointed in missing out on a place, with only 25% of places left time will run out.
As always feel free to drop in and say hello when you visit St Edward’s. Have a great weekend.
Peace & Best Wishes.
Jake Madden
(Principal, St Edward's Primary School)