Team Leader's Message

Term 1
It has been a fantastic start to the year with lots of engaging and enthusiastic learning taking place across the section. The Year 7 students have adapted to their new learning environment and all students have settled well into their new classes. Teachers have been getting to know the students both personally and academically in order to provide the best, targeted learning to meet their individual needs.
This year we have welcomed our Student Wellbeing and Engagement Leader, Jess Fitzsimons to the 7/8 team. This new role has had an excellent influence on all students engaging with the learning programs, as well as facilitating positive student interactions.
In addition, the introduction of the Zones of Regulation across the section has assisted students in identifying their emotions and provided them with strategies to manage themselves in difficult or challenging situations.
As part of our Concord student behaviour expectations, students have been working hard to demonstrate how to be Safe, be a Learner, be Respectful and be Responsible, both in the classroom and out on the yard. Students have already earnt an overwhelming number of achievement cards which have been displayed and celebrated on the Secondary 7/8 Hot Air Balloon.
Students have already reached their first shared reward of a Casual Clothes day! It has been wonderful to see the students work together and encourage positive behaviours across the section.
Karlie Gooding
Team Leader