Community News

Mount Beauty Medical Centre has received their allocated 5 – 11 year old vaccines and will be holding initial clinics Friday 28th and Monday 31st January 2022.


You will need to complete the consent form (attached) and bring to the appointment. 

Please contact the practice if you would like to book your child/children in for their vaccine – 0357 543400. 


Please do not attend the appointment if you or your child are displaying any symptoms of Covid.

In 2100, what kind of city will you live in?

Current school students will be near 90-years old in the year 2100. In the intervening period our cities will need to cope with the crises of climate change, pandemics and widening gaps between rich and poor – to name a few.

The 20th century Australian dream of a big house in the suburbs is increasingly out of reach for many people and we need new models for Australian cities

TheBusiness as (Un)usual Schools Competitioninvites you imagine a future Australian City and send us a postcard from yourself 80 years in the future!

Winning submissions will share in $1500 AUD prize money in primary and secondary school categories.

Final submissions are due Monday, 1 July 2022


Instructions on how to enter can be found in the submission template below: