Community News

Parenting in Maribyrnong
ABC Music
Emmanuel College News
It is with great excitement that we will have staff and students attending Mass this weekend at 11 am at Queen of Peace. This is one of the first opportunities that we have had to celebrate mass with our wider community for almost two years.
School life is continuing to return to our new normal with lots of events happening at each campus, including swimming, athletics carnivals and Medieval Day for the Year 8 students. Year 7 camps are almost set to go as well, these are all brilliant things that are happening that connect the students to their school beyond the classroom.
Our tour and events schedule is up and running as well, with our first events coming up as follows;
Meet the Principal - St Paul’s Campus - Thursday 3 March - Commencing at 9.30 am
Meet the Principal - Notre Dame Campus - Thursday 10 March - Commencing at 9.30 am
Bookings for these events are essential and can be made by selecting the Tours & Events tab from the homepage of the College website, Please note that applications for Year 7, 2024 are now being accepted. Prospectus packs including application forms can be requested from the Enrolments tab on the right hand side of the website homepage, by emailing or by calling the College Registrar on 8325 5119.
We can’t wait to meet you at our school.
Ace Fun Tennis