
Senior School Prefect Mass
Last Tuesday, 25 January, our 2022 College Prefects celebrated their first Mass together in the Chapel as a leadership group. They were supported by their family and friends. Thank you to Fra Oscar for celebrating a special Mass and reminding these young men what it means to be a leader. Thank you to our altar servers who gave up their holiday time: Lachlan Brennan (Year 10), Michael Brennan (Year 9) and Brendan Carrabba (Year 8). Please keep these amazing young men in your prayers as they lead the College community in 2022.
Mrs Rosa West
Director of Campus Ministry
Year 12 Mass & Golden Heritage Club
It is always a special Mass when our students are joined by our TOBA Golden Heritage Club. On Tuesday, the Year 12 cohort celebrated this Mass together and led by Fra Oscar, our College Chaplain. Thank you to all the parents who continue to support all our Masses and for raising these wonderful young leaders of our College. To Diane Millar, Executive Officer of Trinity-Terrace Old Boys' Association (TOBA) for all her efforts and to Melanie Dunn and our TC Café for organizing a delicious morning tea in Gibney Hall.
Mrs Rosa West
Director of Campus Ministry