Junior School

Welcome To The 2022 School Year!
I would like to welcome all families, both new and old, to the 2022 academic school year. The boys have settled in well and we are looking forward to an exciting year ahead. There is a noticeable buzz of activity and the joyful sounds boys playing and engaging with their learning.
Term 1 Calendar And Junior School Significant Dates
You should have already received an electronic copy of the Calendar and the 2022 Significant Dates information sheet. Please keep the information in a prominent place and take note of all upcoming Junior School special events.
Contact Details
Most of the communication from the school to parents is via email. If you have not received any email messages from Ella Spencer or Junior School – Trinity College, please forward your email address to her at spencer.ella@trinity.wa.edu.au or Junior.School@trinity.wa.edu.au. Also, if your phone number or address changes, please let the College know so that we can update our records.
Summer Sport
Our first Summer Sport fixture commenced yesterday, with all teams enjoying the opportunity to represent the school against Wesley.
Junior School Opening Mass
Next Friday, the Junior School will commence with our Opening Mass. During this Mass, the JS Leaders are presented to the community and receive their badges.
Prefects Corner
By Fred Brockett and Jasper Nutt
What an exciting first week it was! It was quite nice seeing our friends again, we hadn’t seen some for quite a long time, and meeting the new students. On the second day we got settled in and started academic work after mainly getting to know each other. On Wednesday, the Year 5s and 6s had sport training, a few of the sports being disrupted by some wind!
On Thursday the 5s and 6s had their first fixture for the year and the 4s started their basketball training for the upcoming carnival against Aquinas. On Friday the Whole School Mass did not go ahead due to COVID-19 restrictions. I’m sure we’re all looking forward to Week 2!