College News

Welcome to New Staff
As is normally the case at the start of any school year, we welcome the following new members of staff and wish them well as they commence at our College. Click the button below to view the new members of staff:
Holiday Work
It has certainly been a very busy holiday period with a great deal of maintenance and capital improvements being achieved. This has included ongoing work in the refurbishment of Kenny Theatre and new air-conditioning being installed in Gibney Hall. Plans are well advanced on the refurbishment of the Toilet and Shower Block at Camp Kelly, Dwellingup. Some preliminary work has been undertaken with a view to completing this significant improvement during Term 2.
Further to this, significant network upgrades, scheduled cleaning and maintenance and a range of painting were also undertaken. We also returned to freshly prepared school grounds and ovals and, as is normally the case, there have been an enormous number of administrative updates and financial processes completed in preparation for the commencement of the school year.
I would like to acknowledge the work of Jan Hurley (Business Manager), Ross Beatson (Buildings and Services Manager) and Dayne Whalan (Grounds Manager), and their respective teams, for their dedication and hard work over the past few weeks, particularly in adjusting to the various restrictions imposed. Such school improvement projects can only be achieved through the ongoing support of the school community and I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank those many families who have readily agreed to commit to our Building Fund Appeal. Information about the College Building Fund will be sent to all families in the coming weeks.
Mr Darren O'Neill
Parent Pick-up and Child Safety
The start of the new school year has brought with it several traffic congestion issues, which pose an immediate danger to many of our Junior and Senior School students. In the interest of student safety, parents are asked to follow all road-safety rules and take the following into consideration during peak drop-off and pick-up times:
- Please do not perform U-turns on Nelson Crescent
- Please comply with all No Parking signs on Nelson Crescent
- Please do not park in the Bus stand area on Nelson Crescent
- Please do not double-park anywhere. The buses struggle to move on Nelson Crescent safely.
- Please remind your sons to check for traffic and then cross carefully and safely.
- If possible, try to stagger drop-off and pick-up times. After hours supervision is available in the Senior School Library.
We appreciate your patience and your support in ensuring the safety of our students.
Mrs Sabrina Hughes
TC Café Introduces Flexischools
This week we introduced the new online ordering/credit system Flexischools. This system replaced the previous My Student Account system.
Flexischools allows you to easily top up your TC Café balance and place orders (Junior School only) via a simple to use app. You can download the Flexischools app from the App Store or Google Play to register and set up your account.
Important information
My Student Account is no longer operational. For your son to continue purchasing items from the TC Café using his student card, a Flexischools account must be created, linking your son's student card to the account. Please visit the TC Café page on our website for information on how to do this. The page also contains some troubleshooting FAQ's should you experience any difficulties.
Uniform Shop News
Welcome back to the start of the new school year! Thank you for your patience and understanding in queuing for service.
Online Orders
All online orders need to be collected from the Uniform Shop. Unfortunately these cannot be delivered to their PCG.
When an order is placed, your son is welcome to call into the Uniform Shop any Tuesday or Friday for collection. If you are unsure on sizing, please include a comment in the note section of your order.
Enter the 2022 Tuition Fee Lottery!
The College and Parent Council invite Trinity College families to participate in the TCPC 2022 Tuition Fee Lottery*! For just $50 per ticket (excl. booking fee), you could win one of three fantastic prizes:
- First Prize: $12,000 in Tuition Fees
- Second Prize: $2,500 in Tuition Fees
- Third Prize: $500 Uniform Shop Voucher
Proceeds will be used to enhance buildings, grounds and programs at Trinity College, benefitting all students.
*Terms and Conditions apply.