Principal's Message

I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all families and members of the Trinity College community as we commence the 2022 academic year. I offer my prayerful best wishes for a happy, safe and positive year ahead. A special welcome is extended to those students and families who are new to our College. I trust your relationship with our community will be an enjoyable and productive one.
While the conditions surrounding the start of school were not quite as we had all hoped for, and the sight of our secondary students and all staff wearing masks was somewhat familiar, we were able to successfully commence our academic year this week. Much praise must be given to our wonderful students who showed great resilience and determination in successfully commencing classes with little fuss. Similarly, our College staff should be acknowledged for the manner in which they greeted, re-assured and supported students and moved quickly into the rhythm of teaching respective classes.
Once again, I would like to thank the many members of the College community who have offered all the College Staff a warm welcome as we commence this academic year. It has been very humbling to receive the many blessings, genuine good wishes, encouragement and messages of support from families. As the College Principal, I am very grateful for such a positive and sincere welcome and feel it reflects the sense of community and genuine care that exists at Trinity College.
Like most people in the Perth region, we optimistically wait for the forthcoming advice from the State Government and Health Department and anticipate some changes to the COVID-19 guidelines by which schools will be required to operate. Currently with some restrictions on ‘adult visitors’ (including parents) on school sites, particularly during normal school hours, many of our beginning Assemblies and Masses have not had the usual inclusive invite for parents to join us. While this is regrettable, we thank our families for their understanding in this regard. As always, we will adjust and plan accordingly, keeping the safety and welfare of our students at the centre and wish to thank our families for their continued ongoing support of the College.
We pray for a positive and safe year ahead.
Live Jesus in our hearts.