Principal's Report 

As the 2021 school year draws to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere thanks to all members of our school community, for your ongoing support this year.  The school-home partnership is an extremely important one and we greatly appreciate all you have done to support your child’s education throughout multiple periods of remote learning, as well as throughout the year.


A big thank you also to the many volunteers who have given their time to assist with our learning programs and events, and other roles, such as serving on school council.  Our thanks also to the Neighbourhood Centre and volunteers for their ongoing provision of canteen services and to Deirdre, Kath and the wonderful team of Red Cross volunteers who have enabled the provision of the breakfast program this year. 


 On behalf of the wider community, I would also like to acknowledge the work of our staff and their tireless effort and dedication to our students.  While 2021 has again provided its fair share of challenges, I would like to thank them all for their collaboration and continued effort to provide the best outcomes possible. 


Thank you to everyone who joined us on Monday for our final assembly and congratulations to all students on their achievement this year.  This year’s awards and scholarships were presented as follows: Ken Brown Swimming Scholarships (sponsored by Dot Brown) – Presented to Sam, Van, Neils, Johnathon, Alia, Archie, Charlie, Maxwell, Xander, Jordyn, Kit and Samara.

Art Awards (sponsored by the Mount Beauty Art Group) – Presented to Hanna, Mack, Zeke, Olivia and Jessica.

Karen Emery Awards (sponsored by Linda Spaan) – Presented to Billie and Massimo


Yesterday’s Year 6 graduation ceremony and celebrations provided a lovely memory for students. Many thanks to Melanie and Vicky for their organisation and to all families for their attendance at this very special event. Our congratulations to all Year 6 students on their graduation. We are very proud of you all and wish you all the very best for the next stage of your schooling!


This semester’s reports have now been published to Compass.  For more information on how to access these reports, please refer to the reports page of this newsletter.  For those families, whose child is leaving the school this year, please download a copy of your child’s reports for your records.


A performance from the Spookie Ukies and carolling for the residents at Kiewa House meant today was filled with music!  Many thanks to Emily and Conrad for their time in organising these performances and congratulations to all participating students on their achievement.   It is lovely to have you share your musical talents with the school and wider community!

Kiewa Valley House Performance
Kiewa Valley House Performance
Spookie Ukie Performance
Spookie Ukie Performance


Although she will be greatly missed, next year Heather will be taking the opportunity to pursue other interests.  As a result, we are now seeking expressions of interest for the position of Business Manager (full-time Job ID 1259852) and Administration Support (part-time Job ID 1259892).  These positions are for 12 months and interested persons are encouraged to submit their application and resume via Recruitment online. 


OSHC Vacation Care will run these holidays from the 17th – 28th January.  Bookings are essential and can be made through the link on the OSHC page.


A reminder that tomorrow we will finish at the earlier time of 2.20pm.  To celebrate the last day of term, we will also be having a casual dress day.  There is no gold coin required, and students are expected to come dressed in sun smart clothing and shoes suitable for school (no thongs).


Wishing you a safe and relaxing holiday and a very happy start to 2022!

Carolyn Serpell