College Principal Message

February 2022
Dear Families / Carers,
Welcome to the first newsletter of 2022. Despite a cautious beginning with some apprehension about what the impact of COVID might be, staff and students have begun they year energised, positive and really enjoying being back to some sort of normality.
We have begun our welcome assemblies in person which have been quite joyous celebrations, with junior campus students already being recognised for being respectful, responsible and valuing relationships. Well done, look out for the positive notifications on Compass. And Leigh Esposito wowed the crowd at Delahey, performing a song that he wrote.
Year 7
The Year 7s have begun very well, benefiting greatly from the transition program. No doubt they are looking forward to the Iron Form Day which will bring them all together on their campus in the coming weeks.
2022 is shaping up to be a very big year.
School Strategic Plan
It is the first year of our new School Strategic Plan (SSP) where we are focusing on three main goals:
- To improve the learning growth and achievement for every student
- To empower all students to aspire and achieve
- To foster the social and emotional wellbeing of all students
Year 11 and 12 2023
It is also a big year in Victorian education, with significant changes to the senior secondary certificates coming into effect. As of 2023 we will no longer have two separate courses of VCE or VCAL, we will have VCE and VCE VM ( Vocational Major), as well as the option for the Victorian Pathways Certificate for a few students. This will have a direct impact on the junior campus students so please turn your attention to any information that is shared with you either by us, DET or through the media.
And of course, 2022 is a big year for your child(ren) because every year at school is another brick in the wall of their platform from which they will launch at the end of year 12.
College Council Election
In College Council news, the election process is underway. You will have seen Compass notices about it. Please consider nominating yourself or someone else, with their consent of course. The forms are available at your child’s campus office so either drop in to pick one up or ask your child to. If attending meetings face to face presents an issue for you, please be aware that we are willing to provide some meetings entirely on line and or an online option for those who require it.
New Staff
We have welcomed ten new teaching staff to the college this year and an additional seven tutors.
Meet and Greet
In the past we have hosted a Meet and Greet early in the year for families to come to the relevant junior campus to have a look around and meet their child’s teachers. On DET advice we have limited onsite activities for the first four weeks, but we are ambitiously aiming to invite you to come on Monday March 7 between 3:30 and 4:30pm. We understand the timing may not suit every family member, but you can be sure that your child’s teachers and leaders will be here waiting to meet you. Of course, those who come will need to show their vaccination certificate and wear masks as per Department of Health guidelines. We will have COVID marshals in hi-vis vests at designated points as you arrive.
The seven tutors I referred to earlier are adding / replacing those we employed last year. The tutors will either be involved in one of your junior campus child’s English and Maths classes or at Delahey, running sessions in students spares or at negotiated times.
2021 VCE Class
Now is an opportune time to mention our very successful 2021 VCE class. The students below all achieved ATARs in the 90s which is a phenomenal effort. These students accessed our tutors regularly and this extra effort and practice certainly paid off. Congratulations to them and particularly our Dux, Chloe. We wish them well in their chosen tertiary studies; we are extremely proud of them.
To top off a stellar year for Olivia , she will be performing at the Melbourne Recital Centre in March as she was selected in the Top Class Acts based on her music studies with us.
Students are Chloe, Martina, Anthony, Quan Minh, Tuan Viet, Jake, Kylie Phuong and Olivia.
The photos below show the handsome landscaping works that complete the Delahey renovation. We are still waiting for the go-ahead to spend the balance of monies at Kings Park, which I am sure, everyone will agree, needs a makeover.
Until next time,
Pip Griffiths
College Principal