Read-a-thon raised an impressive $5000 for the library. A huge thank you to parents Clare Rae and Sarah Cunningham for organising and to everyone who participated. For the record, 50 students read 821 books for 477 hours.
Many indicated their favourite reads in a list that included the title No One Likes a Fart. Words to live by. Especially in a school library.
Part of those funds was spent on a brand new book trolley, which will help my back immensely with re-shelving.
New books
The library collection continues to thrive, with over 800 new titles introduced this year. And the even better news is that loans are at an all-time high. Also, have a look at the library noticeboard next time you are passing and see who are the top borrowers by month.
Book Club Issue 7
Orders for the above have now closed off, and the final deliveries should be received at the school and distributed by Friday, November 4.
Overdue books
As we approach the end of the year, please make every effort to return overdue library books. Reminders were sent out last week, and so far, the response has been slightly underwhelming, but I am confident this will change.
El Bibliotecario