Council Report

Greetings to you from the College Council!


Council has continued to meet regularly during this second half of the year and we have been excited by the continuing growth and development of the College.


I was pleased to be present to address and congratulate our graduating Year 12 students at their final assembly on 14 October. It was a special time and good to hear where each of them hoped to be continuing their life journey next year. On behalf of Council, I wished them God’s guidance and blessing and I congratulate and thank their families for supporting them through the past 3 years in particular.


Our building program continues to progress in spite of the weather and the builders remain confident that we will be able to use most, if not all, of the facilities at the start of the school year next year. What a blessing these new resources will be for all sections of the College!


Our College has a Grievance Policy (accessed via our website) and I urge all parents and care givers to follow the process outlined in this policy if they ever have concerns about their child’s education or welfare at the school. There will certainly be a prompt follow-up in such cases, but we can’t act if we are not aware of the issue. I thank those who have used the appropriate steps in the past and have alerted us to their concern, thus enabling the issue to be resolved promptly and satisfactorily.


After 2 years of service to the College and the Pakenham Lakeside Church, Pastor Eugene will leave us, along with his wife Nikki and their three children, to take up a Call to the Greenock Lutheran Church in the Barossa Valley, SA. We thank them for their contribution (Nikki was a teacher and the children students of the College) and wish them God’s blessing for the future.


It is with some sadness, yet with much gratitude for her service, that we will farewell Coral Collyer from the Council at the end of the year. Coral joined the Board in 2008, making 15 years of dedicated service to the College and her contributions, as an ex-teacher of many years in Lutheran schools, have always been valued. We thank her sincerely and wish her and her husband Alan, all the best and God’s continuing blessings for the future. I trust this message finds you in good health and I look forward to joining you at our Closing Services next month.


Mal Wegener

Council Chair