Primary News 

Primary Disco

We are excited to announce Primary's annual disco on Tuesday, December 6,


The disco party flavour this year will be Neon/Fluro and/or Crazy Hair.  Students may wear their most psychedelic neon/ fluro disco attire and/or crazy hair creations to school on the day. The tailored disco sessions for Junior, Middle and Upper primary levels will run throughout our school day.


This will be a great way to celebrate at the end of the school year.



Years Prep - 3 Swimming


Years Prep – 3 students participated in their annual swimming lessons. On Monday, the students were assessed on their swimming and divided into various groups, which allowed them to participate in activities suited to their experience level. All the students did a great job in pushing themselves and had a great time in the process, it was nice for them to get back in the pool for lessons after a couple of years without them.



Thank you to the staff and parents who helped in supporting our students.


Mr Ben Hillard

PE Teacher


Prep News

The swimming lessons this week have been a huge success. The children are thoroughly enjoying the lessons and traveling to and from the swimming school by bus. We are so impressed with how the children have been showing their independence - dressing and undressing themselves and organising their belongings. 


One of our parents, Acting Sergeant Floyd, came and talked to us about the Police Force and how they help us in our community. 


The children had the chance to ask him lots of questions and find out all about "catching the bad guys!", as well as the tools the police use, the different divisions within the force, and how fast their cars go. The highlight for the children was to jump in the police car and have a close-up inspection of the special vest. 

To top off a very exciting 2 days for the preps, our eggs hatched! We have 5 new chicks to enjoy for the next 2 weeks. Each day the children are getting time to spend with the chickens. We are learning about lifecycles, caring for God's creatures, and responsibility. 


We also had a special visit from the children from Lakeside Children's Centre. Our Preps enjoyed being the 'big buddy. It was such a pleasure to see how much the children have grown, both in size as well as maturity as they were kind, respectful, and inclusive of the children. So proud!


Mrs Stephanie Cox

Prep Homeroom Teacher

Year 1 & 2 Excursion

On Wednesday the 1st of November, the Year 1 and 2 students had the wonderful opportunity to take part in an excursion to the Melbourne Museum to aid in their research for their current Project Based Learning topic.

This excursion was a wonderful way to explore and engage in some real-life experiences of how history has been recorded over time and the ways we may continue to document the past, present, and future.


Using our research and findings from this excursion, the students will be working towards preserving their own history so it is recorded for the future. We can't wait to see the amazing work the students are able to do using their newfound understandings from our visit to the museum.


Jessica Rowland, Rebecca Hanen, Caitlin Brennan, Skyler Szutarski, 

Year 1 and 2 Homeroom Teachers


Year 6 - Day Camp Five – Scienceworks, Melbourne Museum & The Lume


On Wednesday, November 9th, our Year 6 learners embarked on the final day of their day camp series. We were dazzled at Scienceworks by the Lights, Energy, Action game show that taught us all about stored, chemical, light, heat, and sound energy. We enjoyed exploring all the hands-on activities, specifically the Sports Works exhibition. There was even a bit of a fun, competitive spirit that peaked as we were challenged to race Cathy Freeman!


Following this, we headed to the Melbourne Museum to learn about the great Triceratops. It was incredibly interesting learning about the plight of this magnificent creature and how far this specimen had travelled to become an artifact of the museum.

Our final destination was The Lume. This immersive art installation exhibit enabled us to learn about beautiful, historic impressionist artworks through an interactive lens. Our learners enjoyed practising their own artistic skills in the incorporated art studio, and some even dared to showcase their dancing moves in the main studio.

We all had a great day. 


A big thank you must go to all of the people behind the scenes that made these experiences possible for our students.    



Melissa Harford

Year 6 Homeroom Teacher