Years 3-6 Police Visit

What did our 3-6 students learn during the police visit on Monday?

Today I learnt that police ride big quarter horses to see 10, 15, 20 metres away in a big group of cars and crowds and police ride these horses because they are fast and they are used too loud noises.

By Indi Keymer-Newley


Today we had some police officers come to school to teach how to be safe on the internet and Cyber-safety. They told us about Brodie law and her story and how it is not ok to bully. 

By Justin Coates


Today the Victorian police came to my school and taught the 3/6's about cyber safety. I learnt if one persons in one house and is messaging someone in another house and they send something mean and they don't know how the other person feels so they keep sending mean things and make it worse. That is called cyber bullying. Today was very fun with all the police. 

By Mietta Price


Today the👮‍♂️👮‍♀️ police offices came out to our school. There was John, who was a leading constable, Brooke who was also a leading constable, and they were both from Warrnambool. We had Kel from Hamilton who talks to people, such as us about cyber safety, and we then had our local policeman Paul.

We learned about Brody's law, and got taught about C.Y.B.E.R.R.R.📱 It stands for: 

C= communication 

Y= you👧 

B= balance 

E= education📕📚 

R= respect 

R= reputation 

R= resume'

By Lexi Thomas


Today the police officers came in and talked to us about cyber bullying. They talked about what it is and what to do if it happens to us. They told us that is not ok to bully because it will make people very sad😭.If it happens it’s ok to tell a trusted adult. 

By Ctayah Roberts


Today we had some police officers come in and teach us about cyber-safety. They told us some funny stories and also a few serious ones as well. They taught us about Brodie's Law and how it is not okay to cyber-bully or face-to-face bully.

By Hughie Price


Today when the Police came for a visit. They came to talk about Cyber Safety. There was John, Brooke, Kelly and Paul. CYBERRR stands for:

Communication with your five trust adults. 


Balance you have to balance sleep, eating and online. 

Education can be learnt online and you can learn things. 

Respect to everyone. 

Reputation is how people see you. 

Resume, everything you do is on your resume.

By Talia Price


Firstly they talked about a fair bit. They also talked about cyber bullying. Did you know bullying was against the law? Secondly they talked about the internet and if you're a child before you go to open the message ask your parents if they don’t know them.

By Cooper Leese


It was really funny watching them acting but our class learnt not to be on TV 📺 a lot and not to bully somebody. We also learnt to go on or Kids Help Line if we need help.

By Emma Thomas