
Happy Birthday to

Tilly B, Lyla W, Jaxon W, Summer B, Lucas S, Henry M and Mrs Koziol


Principal's Award - For being a kind, inclusive and supportive class member

FBOscar J
1/2HAshton W
1/2MKLacie R
1/2TLukas W
3/4CJaxon W
3/4TAnnabella B
3/4VZarli G
5/6BScarlett S
5/6CRyder K
5/6RKatie R

Class Awards

FBJaimee B

For her excellent focus in the classroom. 

Well Done!

1/2HLucas S

For concentrating well during explicit learning 

sessions and not being distract

1/2MKLevi H

For working conscientiously in maths and trying 

his best.

1/2TWillow McV

For always listening and beign respectful to the teachers

and her peers.

3/4CZac JFor always displaying kindness towards his classmates.
3/4TJordy ZWorking hard and staying on task.
3/4VClaire S

For a very imaginative writing piece using great  vocabulary.

Awesome work Claire!

5/6BBrydie B

For being an excellent leader with our class by showing 

attentive listening.

5/6CHunter A

For displaying determination and persistence when

completing challenging tasks in Mathematics lessons.

5/6RMarcus B

For showing determination in completing all tasks to the

best of his ability.