Principal's Report 

~ Positive Education for Life ~


Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of St Brendan’s,


It is difficult to believe that we are fast approaching the end of the school year. As always, this is a very busy time. It is often a time when emotions bubble to the surface as children are coping with the notion of change. Many of them are mentally preparing for what the new school year will look like, and for the changes each new year inevitably brings. Please be aware that children, especially the younger ones, are becoming tired and ready for a long, hopefully sunny, summer break. One helpful tip, at this time of year, is to ensure that routines, including bedtimes, are kept. The clearer the boundaries are at home, the easier the routines of school will feel. I encourage you to be the grown up that your child needs as the year comes to an end. If your child is struggling, please let their classroom teacher know so that we can support them during these last important weeks. 

Junior Parish Sports

What a joy it was to visit St Mary’s Parish Primary School in Hastings last Friday to see our Foundation to Year Two students participate in a tabloid sports event with our two parish sister schools; St Mary’s Hastings and St Joseph’s Crib Point. Any opportunity to come together as a parish and celebrate our unique identities is one to be savoured. Opportunities to grow, learn and connect are vital as we support every student in our parish schools. Thank you to Mrs Gab Espenschied, principal of both schools, the P.E teachers from our three schools, other teaching staff and Learning Support Officers from all schools for hosting/sharing in such a wonderful morning. My sincere thanks also go to all the school House Captains for their leadership and kindness when supporting and guiding our youngest students on this special day. This was a true example of leadership in action. Well done Matilda B, Aiden M, Caitlin F, Charlie Y and Jack B from St Brendan’s. It was a real delight to be able to see so many parents, grandparents, relatives and friends as they watched their children participate in their first inter-school event. It was wonderful to see members of our community meeting, connecting and enjoying their children’s first special inters-chool day out.

Arrival Time at School

I would like to remind everyone that the scheduled time for teachers to be on duty to supervise students before school is 8.20 am. Children who arrive before this time are not supervised.

I respectfully ask that you do not drop your child/children at school before this time. This expectation also applies to students who ride or walk to school. At present, we have children arriving as early as 7.55 am.

Sometimes teachers are at school as early as 7.00 am. Their arrival at this time enables them to carry out the administrative, preparation and planning tasks associated with their roles.

If you require your child/children to be at school earlier than 8:20 am due to your working arrangements, please book them in with Their Care; our out of hours school care service. Please contact our school office if you require their contact details.

I thank you in advance for your cooperation in this important matter.

Christmas Appeal 

At this busy time of year, our thoughts turn to Christmas and how we will celebrate it with our family and friends. Most of us are lucky enough to buy gifts, decorate a Christmas tree and choose to prepare, eat and share special Christmas foods. It is timely to remember that this is not everybody’s reality. Many people, including those who live quite close to us, struggle to provide the basic necessities, let alone a Christmas treat. 


Let’s remember the true meaning of Christmas. It is the time when God chose to reveal himself to us as a tiny baby. A tiny baby who would grow up to become a man who showed us how to live with kindness, compassion and a true generosity of spirit. As Christian people living and striving in the 21st century, let us tune into that generosity and love. Let’s be the spirit of Christmas for others. Thank you for your kindness and Christmas spirit.


“After coming into the house they saw the Child with Mary His mother; and they fell to the ground and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” – Matthew 2:11


Something from Social Media

In each newsletter, I like to share something I have seen that supports and guides parents as they strive hard to help their children grow up in a positive and supportive environment. This little visual and short message helps us to understand co-regulation and how it can assist in calming children who are angry, upset and overwrought. 

Upcoming Events - 

As you can see, we have a busy few weeks until the end of the school year. I hope this schedule of events is helpful.

Have a wonderful week.

Sue Carr


Week Eight

  • Monday 21st - Friday 25th November - Year 3 - 6 Swimming Program. 
  • Friday 25th November - Peninsula Principal’s Visit St Brendan’s - principals from 20 schools visit us at St Brendan’s 

Week Nine

  • Monday 28th - Friday 2nd December - Year F - 2 Swimming Program. 
  • Monday 28th - Friday 2nd December - Year 5 Leadership Speeches. Parents of Year Fives are warmly invited to attend 9:00 am

Week Ten

  • Tuesday 6th December 10:00 am - School Choir to sing at Somerville Gardens Mass 
  • Tuesday 6th December - Padua Orientation Day Year 7 students for 2023
  • Friday 9th December - Years 3 - 6 Beach Program 

Week Eleven

  • Tuesday 13th December 5:00 pm - Year Graduation Mass and Ceremony 
  • Wednesday 14th December - Year 6 Graduation Breakfast and Big Day Out  
  •  Thursday 15th December 11: 30 am -End of Year Mass. All welcome
  • Thursday 15th December 1:30 pm - End of Year Christmas Carols.All welcome
  •  Friday 16th December 1.00 pm - Final Assembly. All welcome.
  • Friday 16th December 2.15 pm - Year 6 Colour Run  All welcome.

Week Twelve 

  • Monday 19th December - Moving Day for teachers. Cross age activities for students attending school. Dismissal - 1:00 pm
  • Tuesday 20 th December - Final day for Staff 

Have a great fortnight

Sue Carr

Fee Reminder

All Fees are due for payment before Friday the 2nd of December.