Farewell Class of 2022

Year 12 Celebration Day 2.0


After their offical last day of school was spent sandbagging and preparing for flooding in our twin towns - it was wonderful to have our Year 12 students back onsite last week to celebrate the end of their secondary school journey and give them the proper farewell they deserved!


The joy of acknowledging what they have achieved and excitement for what lies ahead was evident amongst these students, as they marked this momentous day with presentations, activities and a shared lunch, surrounded by their parents and teachers.


We are incredibly proud of this resilient, kind and inclusive cohort of students and we can't wait to see what the future holds for them beyond our school gates!


We offer them this Gaelic blessing as a final farewell:

May the road always rise to meet you;

May the wind be always at your back;

May the sun shine warmly upon your face;

May the rain fall softly on your back;

And until we meet again,

May our loving God hold you softly in the hollow of his hand.


Year 12 Mass and Graduation

Congratulations class of 2022! You made it!


It was a lovely evening celebrating our Year 12 students at their Graduation Mass and Dinner last week.


Everyone scrubbed up beautifully and was incredibly grateful to be able to celebrate together!


We sure are going to miss this wonderful bunch of young adults!