Year 9 News

Mark Dorward & Joanne Merryfull | Year 9 Coordinators

Year 9 Camp

Last week year 9 went on a school camp to Anglesea, which was a great bonding experience for our peers. We were lucky enough to have a bunch of great teachers to take the camp. Our surfing skills were mediocre (some better then others), but the Ride A Wave Company definitely improved our skills. After a big day of surfing and settling in to our rooms for the next 3 days, we finished the day off with some bare foot bowls. 


On day two, all of the groups ventured off to a day full of activities. The activities consisted of surfing, canoeing, a lighthouse tour and bushwalk followed by stand up paddle boarding. Everyone had a great day and that night we all decided that we would watch Home Alone for our movie night. All of the students were getting along and it was as if we were one big family.
We woke up bright and early on the third and final day for a big day of shopping and travelling. We drove to the Westfield mall in Geelong and we were allowed to walk around in groups for an hour enjoying our shopping. Then we regrouped and started the long journey home.


With the year coming to the end we would like thank the teachers for not only the camp but for the whole year. Year 9 can be a hard year for some but the staff at Horsham College have made it a smoother year for us all. 


By Hugo, Macey, Aleece and Dusty


Year 9 War & Revolutions - Horsham Military Collection Excursion

On Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th of November our Year 9 War and Revolutions classes had the opportunity to explore the Horsham Military Collection. 


The students had a great time exploring the Collection’s many artefacts and war memorabilia. This was a great chance for students to interact firsthand with the objects and histories we have learnt about in class. The trip enriched students’ knowledge of local war history, with many embracing the chance to dress up in uniform and explore the military vehicles. 


Students and staff would like to say a big thank you to Justin and the staff at the Horsham Military Collection for sharing their knowledge and making such a wonderful collection available to our community. 


Year 9 3D Art Students

Our 3DArt students learnt to make a hollow polyclay sphere and attach features to their spherical form. 

A sample of some Sculptures by Year 7 & Year 9 Art Students