Year 8 News

Maddy McQueen & Daniel Taylor | Coordinators

Last day of classes

We are on the home stretch now! The last day of classroom teaching will be on Tuesday the 13th Of December. After that we will have activities for the Wednesday and Thursday. 


Glancy Awards

Two of our amazing year 8 students have won our Glancy scholarship awards and another student has won our encouragement award. These students will be contacted shortly and will be announced on awards night, Wednesday 14th December.



Timetables are still being finalised for next year. As soon as we can we will be releasing them, if students want to make any changes they can talk to their coordinators next year.


Year 8 Get Arted

Year 8 Get Arted students working on the Powercor box on High St North. Students were awarded a grant from Horsham Rural City Council on the strength of their work earlier this year.