Principal's Report

Report from our Principal: Duncan Arendse

Dear Parents, Friends and Father Arsenio,


I do hope that you all enjoyed the long weekend. It certainly has been a busy time again of late. Last Friday saw over 420 grandparents come 'back' to school. To say they were exuberant would be an understatement. I am most appreciative to Kayla and Ben who spearheaded a great day that once again brought our community together.  All Saint's Day mass on Wednesday also saw us celebrate with parishioners, something that has been lacking for a while.


The activities will continue thick and fast with Sport's Day scheduled for this Friday and the Colour Run for the following Friday. Next week we will also acknowledge Science Week with a number of incursions as well as Remembrance Day.


I apologise for not yet getting the information to you about the production recording. My time seems to pass rather quickly each day. It will be with you shortly.


Please watch out for information on all of these things on Dojo and Operoo. 

Have a good week

