Principal's News

Journeying Together in Christ 

New Building Opening

Last Wednesday we held the official opening of our new building.  Bishop Shane Mackinlay led our liturgy and blessed the building with Mark Gepp MP opening the building. Mr Gepp spoke about his school days in a Catholic school in Melbourne. He noted that it was fitting that his last official role as an MP was opening a building in a Catholic school. Mr Paul Desmond (Director of CES) spoke as did Fr Joe and myself. Mr Desmond could not speak more highly of the facility and those who made it possible. He engaged with Suzanna Sheed who was present when the first soil was turned in 2004 along with Mons. Peter Jeffrey.

Cr Shane Sali, Sam Birrell MP and Suzanna Sheed MP joined us and Wendy Lovell was an apology. 

Our Gospel reading was Luke 24:13-33. It concluded with these special words linked to St. Luke's:

"Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scripture to us?"


The Architects, JWP were present along with a representative from Preston Turf and Garden. Damian Preston and his team have completed many projects at St. Lukes and in recent times all the landscaping around the new building. The Prestons were also one of our foundation families.

Steve Hicks (Foundation Principal), Jen Amadei and Tess Murray represented the past staff.


I thank all involved in making this day special. The children were given a cup cake as a little gift. 


School Fees 2022 REMINDER

For those not on direct debit, please finalise school fees next week so the office administration can begin finalising the 2022 financial report. Past and present families will receive a letter/email if we do not hear from you by Monday 5th December. 


Students Perform

On Wednesday night Karly Loughran performed at the Notre Dame Instrumental Music Recital. She played the saxophone- Mary Had a Little Lamb and Happy Birthday. Well done Karly!


Johan Jino (Year 6) was awarded first place in the Primary Art category of The Mackillop Art Exhibition held on Friday, 11th November, at the Sacred Heart Cathedral Bendigo. A fabulous achievement! See the Learning Community page for more details.


Past Student Recognised

I received this email recognising the achievements of a past student. Many students have gone onto great things and now as we head towards 20 years, some of the Foundation students are making a mark in the world.

It is with great pleasure that I write to inform you that one of your past student Klara Fennell has been elected to the leadership position of Jennings House Captain at Notre Dame College for 2023.  Klara has been appointed by her peers and staff through a process that involves nomination, development seminars, interviews and, finally, voting by the College community.


I am sure you are very proud of Klara, and of her achievements.  We thought you would like to be notified of this and, justifiably, take great pride in her accomplishments.  Notre Dame College is acutely aware that student performance would not be possible without the foundation laid by you and your staff in the Primary years of schooling.  As you would imagine, from a graduating class of 233 students, this is a great feat.

Mr. John Cortese (NDC Principal)



Parent Access Module

A survey link for Before and After School Care will remain on PAM until Friday 2nd December. We only have seven responses so far and this will not be enough to consider Before School Care.


End of Year Mass, Whole School Orientation & Year 6 Orientation Meeting

A reminder that both events are on Tuesday 13th December. Mass is at 6:00pm at Sacred Heart Church, Knight Street.


On Monday 12th December many of the Year Six students and their parents are required at a transition meeting for Year 7 NDC, 2023. All Year Six will be returning from their Big Day Out and the bus will drop the students at NDC, Skene Street and they can meet parents there. Those not attending NDC will come back to St. Luke's unless other arrangements are made with their families to drop them off at Skene Street as well. Connie Austen will send out an email with any further details as we get closer. 


Have a lovely weekend.

David Keenan.
