
What is Advent?


The word “Advent” is derived from the Latin word adventus, meaning “coming”.

This Sunday we begin the season of Advent. Advent marks the beginning of the Church’s new year and is the season of waiting and preparation for the coming of Christ.


Each Monday we will gather as a school community to pause and reflect on a different aspect of the season that prepares us for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. We will light a new candle each week, when we light the candles on the wreath, it symbolises the coming of light (Jesus) into the world. 


Candle 1 (violet): represents 'Hope'.

Candle 2 (violet): represents 'Peace'.

Candle 3 (rose): represents 'Joy'.

Candle 4 (violet): represents 'Love'. 


The central white candle is lit on Christmas Day and represents Christ.


This Advent we will learn, act and pray for a more just and fair world – a world full of hope, peace, joy, and love. Make your own Advent wreath

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This Week’s Character Virtue: Thoughtfulness. Thoughtfulness is speaking and acting in a way that thinks about what other people will enjoy, rather than just thinking about yourself. It can be as simple as being aware of how you react or feel about certain situations or people. It’s a simple human act that lets Christ’s light and joy shine in our actions and sets an example to others that we are truly Christians. 


Breanna Levesque. 

Religious Education Leader.