Principal's Report

with Mr Christopher Cotching

At the time of writing there is just so much to report that is occurring in our school at this time. The following are just some matters of interest:


Building Program and Progress

I am pleased to advise that despite the inclement weather the Building Program is progressing on schedule. We are working closely with officers from the Victorian School Building Authority; our architects from Williamsboag, and on a day-by-day basis, with the Site Manger from Prime Build Pty Ltd. I am pleased to advise that much of the noisy demolition works have been completed and/ or being done outside school hours. The work at the front of the school with the building of a compliant ramp has been of focus in recent times. Additionally, there has been significant works done to the new toilets and the pouring of concrete in areas in the new upgrade. Works will continue over the weekend.


Provided matters progress as scheduled, we expect to commence the refit of the new Art room on Monday 14th November. There is considerable furniture that needs to be removed presently and we anticipate obtaining an additional storage unit to house the equipment. This new Art facility will involve a new vinyl floor, storage areas for materials and a separate section for our kiln, along with wet areas.


The work on the Preparatory – Year 2 building is continuing with vinyl and reinstatement of toilets and basins occurring in the coming fortnight. I am advised by Coobella Group Pty Ltd that the works to this building will be finished by the end of November. This has been a mammoth task and the Victorian School Building Authority has agreed to change the design in order that this calamity never occurs again. We look forward to our students experiencing new toilets, new flooring and other associated amenities before long.


Classroom and Specialist Organisation for 2023

It is usual at this time of the year to undertake planning for the following year. In early October, schools are provided with an indicative budget based on their presumed enrolment numbers for the following year. In other words, there is a sum of money which a Principal draws upon to establish classroom and specialist structures for the following year. The parallels of running a football club with a salary cap are not lost here. On this basis, Principals structure schools to some extent based on the funds and resources they have on hand. For our school, I will be announcing the structure for 2023 in the coming weeks. I would anticipate operating specialist programs in the areas of Physical Education, Music, Japanese and Visual Arts. After I have announced the structure, I will then advise parents of the allocation of teachers to class and specialist areas. This usually occurs very late in the year.


Whilst it is somewhat early to confirm staffing matters, I will communicate matters once I am in a position to do so. Ms Catherine Bradford will be retiring at the end of 2022. We will greatly miss Ms Bradford’s dedication, skill set and long-time contribution to our Japanese program. At our school the Japanesse program has been in operation since 1993. Currently we are in the process of seeking a replacement for Ms Bradford from the beginning of 2023.


Given the modelling already undertaken and liaison with senior Department of Education and Training personnel, I expect that we will have a traditional model of straight classes in 2023. More information will be provided in due course. 


Student Enrolments across Year Levels

At this stage I am anticipating small classes for 2023. There will be some vacancies across Year 3, Year 4 and Year 6. If you are aware of parents who may be seeking to enrol, please encourage them to contact the school via email at


Additionally, we are receiving enrolments for 2024. At this stage, for 2023 and 2024, I will be prepared to take students outside of our zone at certain levels.


Student Contributions for 2023

Please be advised that the educational contributions provided by parents are critical to the provision of a comprehensive and exceptional educational program. On 21st November, we anticipate that the School Council will set the educational contributions for the 2023 school year. I expect that this will be similar in scope to other years, with explanations provided and a high degree of accountability on funds received and spent. Currently we are working with commercial suppliers of student requisites to prepare for 2023. I expect that our School Council President, our Treasurer and myself will communicate to you in the week following the School Council meeting, concerning these arrangements.


Curriculum Provision and Review 2022 – 2023 – Pupil Free Day Friday 18th November 2022

On Friday 18th November will have our final Pupil Free Day for 2022. On this day I will be working with my staff to reflect and review on the Curriculum provision we are providing at Chatham Primary School based upon the Victorian Curriculum but also the many enrichment and enhancement opportunities that we provide to our students. I look forward to engaging with my staff on this very important and timely matter.


Reading Materials Preparatory – Year 3

I am pleased to advise that we are currently in the process of reviewing the organisation and provision of our home reading materials. These were previously moved from the storage area in the main building and will now be placed in modular furniture along the wall of the junior corridor in the Prep – Year 2 building. Together with our Literacy Co-ordinator, Ms Kirstie Briggs, our Assistant Principal Ms Georgina Kirwan and staff, we are reviewing and reclassifying the materials. This is an important task, and in time, we will be seeking the support of parents to assist. Meanwhile, I am working with the Victorian School Building Authority to fund appropriate furniture. I will keep you informed in the coming days. 


In due course, we will be reviewing all the reading materials across the school. In 2023, I anticipate reviewing the provisions of Mathematics materials for students at all year levels. The current building program has provided a wonderful and timely opportunity for us to review our assets in this area and to consider our needs for the future. 


Year 5 – Speaking with Confidence

In the coming weeks, our students in Year 5 will be preparing for their speeches for the Speaking with Confidence opportunity. On this occasion, our students in Year 5 will provide a speech to parents on a topic of their choice and speak in a timed manner for three minutes. This is a long-standing event at our school. We look forward to the opportunities that this creates for our students. As indicated on Compass on Wednesday 26th October the arrangements are as follows:


4.30pm – 5.30pm                    Monday 28th November – Student in Years 4/5Y

4.30pm – 5.30pm                    Tuesday 29th November – Students in Years 4/5S

4.30pm – 5.30pm                    Wednesday 30th November - Students in Years 4/5M


These sessions will be conducted in the school hall.


This is a great opportunity for our students to further develop their leadership skills in preparation for the leadership roles that they will enjoy as they move into Year 6. 


Additionally, for this year our Year 4 students will be involved in poetry recital of poems by Banjo Paterson. This will be done at School Assemblies at around this time.


Remembrance Day – Friday 11th November

This important event is always observed and of focus in our school. We look forward to our Year 6 Leaders being involved in being supported to lead our school for this important event, as we observe a minute silence at 11.00am along with other matters.


Chatham Christmas Market

At this stage many of you will have seen the wonderful boards around the suburb detailing our Christmas Market to be held at the school on Election Day scheduled for Saturday 26th November. We look forward to this being another enjoyable and fun community event. More information will be provided in the coming weeks.


School Library

Following the support of our volunteers and staff, we are delighted that our students can borrow from our School Library and access and use the facility at a scheduled time throughout the week. The library is also available for students during lunchtimes. In recent weeks, I have had discussions with our architects from Williamsboag to consider longer term plans for our school library. We expect that providing the building program progresses on schedule, the temporary office area will be move around early March 2023. Once this area is cleared, we will be able to make design changes as appropriate to the school library for the longer term. The School Council has established a Library Working Party to progress this objective and will keep you informed regarding ensuing developments. 



Attached to this Newsletter is a flyer seeking Canteen volunteers for this Term. Thank you to those people who have already expressed a preparedness to assist. The Canteen provides and extraordinary service to our students and parents and is only possible through the dedicated assistance of volunteers. At this stage, our Canteen operates every Friday and we provide a highly nutritious menu. Parents can elect to do one of two shifts on a Friday. 9.00am to 12 noon or 12 noon to 2.30pm. Your children thoroughly enjoy having their parents involved in the school Canteen and it becomes an important highlight in once again reiterating the importance you place on them being at school. Please contact Ms Jo Paterson on 0402 312 447 or via email at if you are able to assist.


Christopher Cotching



The generosity once again from David Winter of Bread Street Mont Albert. Steam Train colouring promotion.
The generosity once again from David Winter of Bread Street Mont Albert. Steam Train colouring promotion.
The generosity once again from David Winter of Bread Street Mont Albert. Steam Train colouring promotion.
The generosity once again from David Winter of Bread Street Mont Albert. Steam Train colouring promotion.