Life Ready

Year 12 2021

This week, our Year 12 students participated in the Life Ready program over three days at school. The program is designed to prepare our students for what lies ahead in the world after they leave school and head into employment or further study. The program has the aim of giving students the knowledge and skills to make informed choices relating to issues regarding relationships, drugs and alcohol, mental health, finance and resilience. 


The program this year was different to previous years due to COVID 19 but after many hours or hard work, the Life Ready team arranged and delivered a very successful program.


Along with the three days of guest speakers and workshops, Year 12 students are also completing some content during their connect lessons each week. These lessons have a focus on mental health and being happy within yourself.  Our guest speakers throughout the three days covered topics of drugs and alcohol, being a better version of yourself, anger management, positive thinking, relationships, resilience and overcoming adversity. 


From observing the students over the three days, it was evident that they were engaged and actively participating in all aspects of the program.  Students displayed a positive attitude and willingness to ask questions and engage with the speakers.


We believe this year’s Life Ready program was a success and we hope the students took something positive from it to apply to their lives now and in the future.


Mr Evans and Mr Wilcox

PDHPE teachers - Life Ready Program coordinators