Middle Years  

Middle Years Update 

Welcome back to all of the 2020 Year 7 students. It has been fantastic to see everyone back and ready to go. Resilience is a word that gets used often a little too readily in contemporary society, but if ever there was a time to demonstrate this trait it is now. Early indications are that Year 7 Koonung students are applying themselves to the best of their ability and settling back in quickly. They are acknowledging what has been missed but are optimistic about what opportunities they still have in 2020. 


While this year has thrown up its challenges, it is important to remember to focus on the present and keep an eye on the future. We have not been at school when we hoped to be, but adversity can quite often give us other ways to look at life, develop new skills and to simply appreciate the many positives that are attached to life on site at Koonung. We have 9 weeks to go before the end of the school year.  This is considerable and valuable time. A time to reconnect with friends and develop new friendships, to consolidate what we have learnt and keep learning new things. It is a time to be mindful and concentrate on the present. This is a great tonic for anyone in a time of uncertainty; to simply be present in the moment. Focus on the lessons that are delivered in class, be active in your contribution and at the completion of the day take a few moments to read over what happened in that day. This year is certainly not over, so I urge all year 7s to use the time we have to finish well. Good luck and as I said, enjoy each moment.


The following attachment, which focuses on having perspective, was presented to Year 7s during their first assembly last week. 




Stuart Kofoed

Year 7 Coordinator 


Welcome back Year 7 students! 

It is so nice to see everyone’s smiling faces back around the school grounds. We are so proud of what you have achieved while learning remotely and I’m so pleased you will finish Term 4 back on site. 


The Year 7 students will take part in 5 online Cyber Bullying webinars run by Project Rocket later in the term and we can’t wait to have the Year 8 and 9 students join us!


Year 7 reflections on being back onsite: 

Gabriella Bartolone 7C - I love seeing my friends again, it isn’t the same online

Nancy Liu 7C - I am happy to be able to see my friends, and learn with my teachers face to face rather than online

Nathan Truong 7G -  socialising with everyone again is really great 

Flynn Hovenden 7G - It's so good to be back with friends, I prefer to learn in the classroom rather than online 

Lara Harrison 7E - Happy to see my friends and the teachers again 

Bridget Dods 7D - It’s nice to talk to real people rather than screens 

Georgia Fleming 7B - Happy to see my friends and not be on my computer all day 

Ella Peterson 7H - Super excited to be doing practical classes rather than theory, and its super exciting to see all my friends 

Azumi Sakamoto 7H - Excited and happy to be back at school. I am really looking forward to PE in person rather than through a screen 

Lena Toyozumi 7E - I feel enthusiastic about being back at school. I am excited to have my locker back and organising it. I feel like I can focus better when I am at school. 


Staffing updates from Middle Years 

I would like to thank Stephanie Goto the Year 8 Coordinator for all her hard work throughout the year. We wish her and her family the very best with her new addition. Congratulations to Mr Kofoed who welcomed another baby girl to his family. 

I would like to officially welcome Sarah Hobson to the role of Year 8 Coordinator, she is a fantastic asset to the Middle School team. 


Allira Howe

Director of Learning: Middle School