Chaplain’s Spot

Chaplain’s 2020 Spot

 ‘What or who do we trust?’


Back in March, I wrote an article on Trust. That was just before we went into our first lock-down due to the Corona virus. At this end of the year, I would like to revisit this subject, from a different point of view. So much of what we used to rely on in our world has changed. 

Some things you can always rely on in life, good and bad 

  1.  Your kids needing to go to the toilet 10 minutes into a road trip
  2.  A food spill when you’re wearing white
  3.  A warm bed at your parents’ house
  4.  What you thought was a ‘free’ parking space having a small vehicle parked in it
  5.  Good hair days just happening, without you knowing what you did differently
  6.  The ‘other’ sock not being in the dryer, no matter how much you search
  7.  Every year going faster than the previous one
  8.  The friend who is there for you, without fail
  9.  Everything seeming better after a good night’s sleep
  10.  Picking out the only item in store that’s not on sale
  11.  A ‘broken’ item miraculously working when someone else takes a look at it
  12.  Your dog making you feel like the most loved person in the world



During this pandemic, many people have ‘lost’ things which they previously felt were secure. These include employment and financial stability, positive mental health and connections to people and activities they valued. How do we move forward from this loss? Our strength as a community lies in our connection with each other. We have much to offer to others through practical support and companionship. When we know we are not alone, we can find strength to go on, to rise above our circumstances and to start again.


If you would like to discuss anything that is happening in your family, please contact us at school – your child’s class teacher, our Principals or myself. We happily celebrate as restrictions are relaxed, but for some of us there is no going back to how life was before. If you would appreciate support on the journey forward, feel free to make contact. 


U R not alone!

Alan Silverwood – Chaplain - Pastoral care for our community [Mon Tue Thurs]. [] Supporting the School community in emotional, social, spiritual and practical wellbeing. The Chaplaincy program is funded through Federal Government & Community support including; CCCVaT, Great Ryrie Primary School Council and local private and community donations.