Around the College

Summer Ready

It's the time of year when the sun starts to shine and we start applying sunscreen. Over the next few weeks, the Busselton Parent Connect is running a fundraiser selling exactly what you need - sunscreen! 250ml bottles of quality Hamilton sunscreen are for sale, with all profits going towards the school toilet makeover project.

With your help, we can raise a whopping $4000 and be ready to begin transforming toilet blocks at the Busselton campus in 2021.

How can you participate?

Simply let your Parent Rep (Primary) or House Captain (High school) or Chaplain (Odette) know you are willing to sell 1 box. 1 box consists of 6 x 250 ml bottles of quality sunscreen for sale at $17 per bottle.  You can also sign up online by following the following link:

Simply sell and return the money to school!

Thank you in advance for partnering with us in this exciting initiative.

Waratah Court Kiss and Drop Notification

Can parents please be aware that the Kiss and Drop Zone in Waratah Court is not to be a stationary parking point for families who are waiting for their children. Several complaints have been made, and some near misses with students and cars.

Please only park in designated bays, and if none are available, please keep traffic moving in a safe way. City Rangers will also be monitoring this situation - so to avoid any fines or warnings, please adhere to all road signage.

Thanks for your help.


End of Year Events

With the end of the College year fast approaching, it's time to lock aside those dates when students will be celebrating their final presentation nights.

The dates are:

Thursday 3 December - Busselton Early Learning Centre Concert, 5:00pm.

Friday 4 December - Dunsborough Presentation Night

Tuesday 8 December - Busselton Primary Presentation Night, 6:30pm

Wednesday 9 December - Busselton Secondary Presentation Night, 7:00pm.


We hope to see you there!


Market Day 2020

Roadworks Early Notification

We have been advised that roadworks will be scheduled for Bussell Highway and Queen Elizabeth Avenue Intersection, which will see that portion of road closed between 7pm and 7am from the week 15th November to 20th November.

Whilst it is anticipated that this won't impact travelling to and from school, some impact and extended closures may be possible during that period, and we have been asked to provide this advance notice to our families.



Permapleat have announced an incremental price increase across most uniform items effective 1 January 2021. For your convenience the online store will remain open throughout the holidays.  Permapleat offices will close for the Christmas holidays, Monday 21 December 2020 and re-open on 11 January 2021.


The 2020 cut-off date for Campus uniform collection is Wednesday, 9th December. This means that parents placing online uniform orders after 5th December for Campus collection will only be processed and ready for collection from Monday, 25 January 2021 onward (when the College office reopens).


Busselton Campus Uniform Fitting for 2021

The office will be closed during the week 18th - 22nd due to staff training. However, for your convenience the Busselton Campus Uniform fitting room will reopen on Monday, 18th January. No appointments are necessary but we do ask that only one family accesses the room at a time. Each family will sign-in on the register located at the uniform room. Please note, all students must be accompanied by a parent for fittings. 


Front Office Uniform Sales

The College holds a limited number of socks and hats for purchase at the Front Office. To avoid disappointment, we encourage parents to place their orders online in the first instance and to make purchases via the office for top-ups in between.


Lost and Found

If your child has misplaced a uniform item, students and parents are encouraged to check the Lost and Found property box. This is held in the Admin entry at the Dunsborough campus and in the main quadrangle at the Busselton campus. Parents are able to access the Lost and Found box during drop-off and pick up times. Students are welcome to check the box during recess and lunch breaks. Over time, even labelled uniform items become illegible due to wear and tear therefore it may not be possible for staff to reunite these items with their rightful owners. Due to hygiene reasons the Lost and Found Property box will be cleared out at the end of the Term.


Music to the Ears

Did you know that tuition is offered in a variety of musical instruments at Cornerstone Christian College?

Trumpet, violin, classical guitar, drumkit, piano, saxophone, clarinet, voice, 

bass guitar & flute.

There is a team of music teachers who teach on campus during certain school hours (before and after school lessons can also be arranged where possible).

For further details and registration for music lessons contact the music teachers to ensure a place for 2021. (Please note that the fees for Music lessons are separate from school fees).