School News

Beaufort Secondary College is committed to child safety (Ministerial Order No. 870) and takes all reasonable steps to ensure that the safety of our students is paramount. 



Beaufort Secondary College has elected to offer an enhanced Resource List service to parents and students by placing Resource Lists on the School Website, so students can place their Resource List orders electronically.


The  NEW Icon on the School's HOMEPAGE looks like this below for students and their parents to use when completing their Resource List.


You will see from the URL that the actual Resource List is hosted on a Secure Website. Students/parents cannot access the website other than via your school's website. 


Paper copies of Resource Lists will also be printed and distributed by the school to students. Please note, it is possible that not all year levels (possibly none yet!) are loaded and ready for your students to use, however the link will be active and indicate each year level status to parents and students. 

Mobile Phones

Just a kind reminder about Beaufort Secondary College’s mobile phone policy. If students choose to bring their phone to school our expectation is that they will leave it at the Office in the morning and pick it up after school.


Mobiles phones are not permitted to be used during class time or at recess or lunch.  Should you need to get an urgent message to your child, parents are invited to call the General Office and the message will be delivered to your child immediately.


We thank our families and students for supporting our mobile phone policy so that our students can make the most of their learning at Beaufort Secondary College.

COVID Safe School


It has been fantastic to see all students turning up to school wearing face masks and complying with other health and safety measures that our school is taking to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. A reminder that, unless an student has a valid exemption, face masks must be worn at school and also while travelling on a school bus. We also ask that if your child is unwell, that they stay at home from school, and that if they are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 that they stay home and seek medical advice.