A Note from Nelson

We are nearing the end of Term 4 and the culminating learning experiences for all students are starting to wind up. Some students (notably Years 11 & 12) are anxiously awaiting the results of their exams in anticipation of next year - whatever that will bring. Even though it has been a 'tricky' year at best, I am confident all students have done an admirable job. I am a firm believer that all students want to do their best and it is our role as educators to assist them to get to that place where they can exhibit what their best is in a calm and confident manner. At Friends', we expect that each member of our community seeks to live more fully in searching for the Truth. We are here to help them along the way.

The news of a vaccine for the COVID-19 pandemic has been welcomed although we are not quite off the hook yet as it needs to complete its trials and become widely distributed both here in Australia and throughout the world. It seems that international restrictions will remain in place for some time yet.  However, we are all hopeful that life here in Australia will return to more of what it was like prior to the pandemic.


We as a School have learned a few positive lessons over the past year because of the pandemic experience. We have taken some risks with learning that we might have not taken otherwise. One such example was that the School held the Year 6 Primary Years Program culminating exhibition outdoors on the green adjacent to Morris. It was a glorious Spring evening well attended by parents and grandparents. If we had held it in the normal manner inside the Farrall Centre, there would have been many more Department of Health restrictions in place not allowing us as many community members enjoy it as they did. We have also learned that we can conduct some School business via Zoom - thus cutting down on transportation costs and time. I am sure we will continue some of these practices into the future regardless of what Department of Health regulations are in place. Another valuable lesson we learned was an affirmation - that we know teaching and learning works best when it is face to face with lasting and deep relationships being formed. We are thankful that much of the year enabled us to conduct the business of learning face to face.


I hope everyone can find the rest, relaxation and time with those we love in order to recharge and prepare for the New Year and the challenges it might bring. A year ago at this time, we had no idea that 2020 would evolve the way it has. While we do not know what the future will bring, we do know that we will be prepared for whatever it might offer.


In Peace,

Nelson File