Specialist - Korean

Yearbook 2020 

The cover page of the yearbook will be chosen among students work. Any students can submit their artwork representing Miners Rest PS to their classroom teachers by 18th of November. The winner will be awarded a yearbook! 

Korean Writer's Festival 

During remote learning, our students learned Korean ardently by writing. We thought that the Newsletter would be the most suitable space to share some of the works with everyone! 



Our foundation students learned familial terms and described 아기 Agi, 엄마 Umma and 아빠 Abba gom (bear) using different words. It was challenging to write and colour on a little screen but it's the effort that counts! 


Room 1 

James. B
Ahren. M
Lachlan. K
Riley. P
Summer. M
Riley. S
Ava. D
Grace. S
Harper. J
Lachlan. K
Riley. S
Seth. C
Jaxson. F
James. B
Ava. D
Jaxson. F
Lachie. H
Lachlan. K
Seth. C
Summer. M
Alirah. D
Jaxson. F
Riley. S
Victoria. P
James. B
Ahren. M
Lachlan. K
Riley. P
Summer. M
Riley. S
Ava. D
Grace. S
Harper. J
Lachlan. K
Riley. S
Seth. C
Jaxson. F
James. B
Ava. D
Jaxson. F
Lachie. H
Lachlan. K
Seth. C
Summer. M
Alirah. D
Jaxson. F
Riley. S
Victoria. P

Room 2

Annabelle. P
Freya. H
Jack. P
Jax. S
Molly. H
Zanda. F
Ainsley. C
Ava. A
Freya. H
Ivy. F
Jack. P
Jack. R
Jax. S
Jessie. T
Liam. W
Molly. H
Nate. O
Stevie. S
Zanda. F
Ainsley. C
August. W
Ava. A
Freya. H
Jack. P
Jack. R
Jax. S
Liam. W
Molly. H
Stevie. S
Ainsley. C
Freya. H
Jack. P
Liam. W
Stevie. S
Annabelle. P
Freya. H
Jack. P
Jax. S
Molly. H
Zanda. F
Ainsley. C
Ava. A
Freya. H
Ivy. F
Jack. P
Jack. R
Jax. S
Jessie. T
Liam. W
Molly. H
Nate. O
Stevie. S
Zanda. F
Ainsley. C
August. W
Ava. A
Freya. H
Jack. P
Jack. R
Jax. S
Liam. W
Molly. H
Stevie. S
Ainsley. C
Freya. H
Jack. P
Liam. W
Stevie. S

Room 3

Alexander. V
Braxton. K
Ivy. L
Joe. H
Krystal. A
Alexander. V
Braxton. K
Braxton. P
Harley. S
Ivy. L
Miley. S
Sophie. W
Alexander. V
Braxton. K
Harley. S
Jed. G
Joe. H
Krystal. A
Miley. S
Gabe. G
Ivy. L
Sophie. W
Alexander. V
Braxton. K
Ivy. L
Joe. H
Krystal. A
Alexander. V
Braxton. K
Braxton. P
Harley. S
Ivy. L
Miley. S
Sophie. W
Alexander. V
Braxton. K
Harley. S
Jed. G
Joe. H
Krystal. A
Miley. S
Gabe. G
Ivy. L
Sophie. W



Year 1-2 

Students learned about a Korean poem "How Lucky" and Korean words 아침 (Achim): morning and 나무 (Namu) : tree. They wrote and decorated the poem beautifully with imagination. Here is the poem that some students were willing to share. 

R4 Matilda M
Room 5 Athena. H
Room 5 Brooke. J
Room 5 Eli. G
Room 5 Hamish. P
Room 5 Ned. H
Room 5 Sienna. W
Room 6 Ellie. H
Room 6 Harrison. C
Room 6 Harrison. W
Room 6 Tyler. H
Room9 Emily. N
Room 9 Matilda. M
Room 9 Ryan W
Room 10 Ava C
Room10 Caitlin M
Room 10 Jordynn M
Room 10 William D
R4 Matilda M
Room 5 Athena. H
Room 5 Brooke. J
Room 5 Eli. G
Room 5 Hamish. P
Room 5 Ned. H
Room 5 Sienna. W
Room 6 Ellie. H
Room 6 Harrison. C
Room 6 Harrison. W
Room 6 Tyler. H
Room9 Emily. N
Room 9 Matilda. M
Room 9 Ryan W
Room 10 Ava C
Room10 Caitlin M
Room 10 Jordynn M
Room 10 William D


Year 3-4 

We learned about mimetic words "송송송 song song song" and "졸졸졸 jol jol jol" through a Korean poem San Sem Mul (Mountain Spring Water). Some students were happy to share their handwritten poem with beautiful illustration or their mimetic words invented. 

Room 16 Elijah. V
Room 16 Bryce. H
Room 16 Clayton. J
Room 16 Karinda. H
Room 16 Liana. D
Room 16 Ruby. H
Room 16 Wes. G
Room 17 Jackson. M
Room 17 Cooper. W
Room 17 Isla. G
Room 17 Brodie. W
Room 17 Harry. W
Room 18 Kai. G
Room 18 Hamish. B
Room 18 Fergus. B
Room 18 Fergus. B
Room 18 Tyson. K
Room 19 Maylea. M
Room 19 Jake. R
Room 19 Phoebe. P
Room 16 Elijah. V
Room 16 Bryce. H
Room 16 Clayton. J
Room 16 Karinda. H
Room 16 Liana. D
Room 16 Ruby. H
Room 16 Wes. G
Room 17 Jackson. M
Room 17 Cooper. W
Room 17 Isla. G
Room 17 Brodie. W
Room 17 Harry. W
Room 18 Kai. G
Room 18 Hamish. B
Room 18 Fergus. B
Room 18 Fergus. B
Room 18 Tyson. K
Room 19 Maylea. M
Room 19 Jake. R
Room 19 Phoebe. P



Year 5-6

 A Korean word 하늘 (hanul): sky and a mimetic word "동글 동글 Dong gul dong gul" that is describing something with round shape are learned through a Korean poem The Round Spot. Students' interpretation of the poem is well reflected in illustrations. Fantastic work!

Room 12 Ebony. C
Room 12 Zoe. K
Room 12 Mackenzie. V
Room 12 William. H
Room 13 Toby. M
Room 14. Tia. F
Room 14 Ned. H
Room 14 Macy. W
Room 14 Jacob. M
Room 14 Lacey. S
Rooom 15 Ryan. F
Room 15 Miller. M
Room 15 Riley. S
Room 15 Tahlia. J
Room 15 Ryan O
Room 12 Ebony. C
Room 12 Zoe. K
Room 12 Mackenzie. V
Room 12 William. H
Room 13 Toby. M
Room 14. Tia. F
Room 14 Ned. H
Room 14 Macy. W
Room 14 Jacob. M
Room 14 Lacey. S
Rooom 15 Ryan. F
Room 15 Miller. M
Room 15 Riley. S
Room 15 Tahlia. J
Room 15 Ryan O