Teaching and Learning

Successful Partnerships supporting Successful Learning Experiences

Our students have responded extremely positively to the greater focus on Literacy and Numeracy so far this term. Our teaching and learning across these core areas of the curriculum is always highly prioritised. However, this term we have committed to streamlining our schedules to allow for a greater time dedicated to targeted, individualised learning for every student in Literacy and Numeracy. Our classroom teachers are working very hard in planning meetings to ensure that all learners are being catered for and that a greater amount of time every day is devoted to Literacy and Numeracy.


Our students have re-engaged with their community of learners in the classrooms and are enjoying learning interactions with their peers, including peer feedback, collaborative group work and learning reflections. Revisiting our school values, and our classroom agreements, has allowed for positive and purposeful interactions in classrooms, with the aim of maximising our last term of learning together for 2020.


Excited faces can be seen moving to the Performing Arts space, a sense of excitement can be heard from the Blue Hall and Miss Choi is being welcomed back into classrooms to engage in a Korean language session! Our specialist staff have been warmly welcomed by all of our students and they are very much enjoying the relaunch of their programs this term.


A big thank you to all of our parents for their continued support in encouraging readiness for school each day, for continuing to support learning at home (with far less responsibility no doubt) and for ensuring that your child/ren have all the necessary items with them to have a successful day at school, e.g. named drink bottle, charged iPad, adequate food and other required equipment.


Together, as a partnership, we are setting our students up for learning success.


Kylie Nissen

Assistant Principal