Wellbeing News

Check out the new look Play Pod!

It is great to see so many children constructing, sharing and using their creativity at the “new look” playpod. Many thanks to the PBL team who have worked closely with staff to create a very inviting design for the Playpod. The PBL team is currently making a video that demonstrates how we can use our school values ( Resilience, Respect, Responsibility and Safety ) at the Playpod. They will then visit the classrooms to discuss this with the students. 

Thank you to the staff who are on duty at the playpod to ensure all students are safe and sharing.

NAPLAN - Week 4 ( 11th & 12th May) & Week 5 ( 18th & 19th May) 

Next week the Year 3 and 5 students will begin completing the NAPLAN. NAPLAN is a point-in-time assessment that allows parents and schools to see how their child is progressing in literacy and numeracy against the national standard and compared with their peers throughout Australia. At the classroom and school level, NAPLAN provides additional information to support teachers’ professional judgement about student progress.

Preparing for NAPLAN

Teachers will ensure that students are familiar with the test formats and will provide appropriate support and guidance. Excessive preparation is not useful and can lead to unnecessary anxiety. If you have any questions about your child's preparation for NAPLAN, please make time to speak with your child's teacher.

The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to reassure them that NAPLAN tests are just one part of their school program, and to advise them to simply do the best they can on the day. According to Dr Justin Coulson ( Ph.D. A relationship and parenting expert) it is important to “ Let your children know that you have trust in their ability to do their best, but that you will be proud of them - and love them - irrespective of their performance on the test.” Some suggested comments are: 

“ What matters most to me is that you are learning and enjoying school”

 “Your test result is not as important as whether you are happy, healthy and have good friends.” 

“ I know you have tried hard, and I am going to love you no matter what the outcome is”

While you are not excusing poor performance, letting your child know they have your support and love can reduce the pressure she or he might feel going into a test. 

Please speak to your child’s teacher if you have any questions. 




Anxiety Workshop

Thank you to parents who have made contact in regards to their child attending the Anxiety Workshop. It has been decided that Yr 3-6 Program will run in Term 2 and Yrs Prep -2 will run in Term 3. 

"Positive Sullutions" is offering the opportunity for students to attend a 8 weeks program which focuses on understanding and learning strategies to help manage anxiety. Students will work in a small group of up to 8.  The aim of working within a group, is to help students recognise that others can also feel anxious and learning to manage anxious feelings is part of life

If you feel that your child may benefit from participating in such a program, please contact a member of the Wellbeing Team.



P2P is a parent group within the school that aims to support parents who have a child with additional needs.  Many have found great comfort, advice and support from sharing experiences, knowledge and strategies with each other.  We would like to invite those who have a child with additional needs to attend an afternoon tea in the staffroom on Friday 14th May.  Come along to meet other parents and enjoy a relaxed, warm cuppa.

Finally the Wellbeing Team would like to wish all the Mothers, Grandmothers and the special people in our lives that play a ‘motherly role’ ; A very Happy Mother’s Day on Sunday. 


Have a happy week. 



Monique McIntyre, Kristie Browning and Sue Sexton 

( Wellbeing Team)