
Remembrance Day in France

This week in French classes, our students explored the history of France and Remembrance Day. 



The 11th November (known as L'Armistice in France) marks the end of the First World War in 918. At 11 am the President places flowers on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier under the Arc de Triomphe. There is a minute's silence. 

à 11 heures on commèmore la fin de la Première Guerre Mondiale en 1918. Le Président de la République dépose des fleurs sur la Tombe du Soldat inconnu sous l'Arc de Triomphe. On garde la minute de silence. 


The Tomb of the Unknown soldier is below the Arc de Triomphe. There are always flowers and wreaths there. There is always a very special service here on 11th November.

Voici la Tombe du Soldat inconnu sous l'Arc de Triomphe. 


France lost well over a million soldiers during World War One (1914 - 1918) as well as millions of civilians. There were many soldiers who were listed as missing in action, too and who had no known grave. People wanted a special national memorial so they could remember those who had died fighting for their country.

In 1920, the body of the Unknown Soldier was brought from the battlefront and buried at the Arc de Triomphe. No-one knows who he is. Three years later the Eternal Flame was lit for the first time.


Each day, there is a special service at 6.30 pm to remember those who have died serving their country not just in the First World War but in the wars and campaigns that have followed during the last century. People lay bunches and bouquets of flowers and wreaths to remember their loved ones every day.

November 11th is commemorated as "Armistice" - the day on which the agreement was reached to end fighting in 1918, at the end of World War I. This day is kept sacred and is a public holiday in France. At 11 o'clock every year, there is a special parade and a service under the Arc to remember and honour those who were killed in fighting for their country.


Luisa Allen and Sylvie Berthié

French Teachers

Four Feathers in the Sky

Recently, we introduced the traditional and ancient Chinese sport shuttlecock (毽子)  to give students some diversity into their Chinese program. Shuttlecock kicking is one of the traditional Chinese folk sports and has more than 3000 years’ history. It is now played universally in China. The sport requires a lot of skill and agility. The students have found it to be very challenging and enjoyable. A big change from a traditional sport played in Australia, for example, football and soccer. 


To make a shuttlecock, we use a traditional coin with the centre punched out and 4 feathers attached to the hole. A feather gives it a floating motion and the coin give it the weight. It is a good outdoor activity with no physical contact. 

Sometimes life gets too serious and complicated. Having a bit of fun can reduce anxiety and stress. Playing something like shuttlecock with friends can be one way we implement fun activities in our life.


Ning Zhang

Chinese Language Teacher

Year 8 Italian Remote Learning Food Challenge

During the last week of remote learning, my Year 8 Italian students participated in the Great Italian Food Challenge. This challenge required students to complete a series of challenges to learn new Italian vocabulary related to food. 

Fridges and pantries were opened and students took photos and wrote the Italian vocabulary for the food items they found. The challenge included designing a dish using the colours of the Italian flag, finding Italian menus from a restaurant in Italy and in Melbourne. 


Students also had an Italian Monument Challenge, using only a packet of pasta and glue and a free activity related to Italy.

Many students enjoyed completing this activity at home. They provided positive feedback on task and included many encouraging comments in their task reflections.


Congratulations to our winners and to all students that participated.


1st Prize   

Kara A. 8E,  Alexya C. 8J, and    Olivia V-W. 8I


2nd Prize   

Faith Y. 8F, Sarah B. 8J, and    Miah B. 8I


3rd Prize   

Ruby B. 8G, Eleftheria L. 8J, and Tahlia D. 8I


Here are some of the student's entries:

Cathy Gucciardo

Italian Teacher