
Stress and Stress Management

It's natural to feel a range of stress and can sometimes be your body's healthy response to difficult circumstances. What's important is that we don't stay feeling stressed for too long. Stress can present in lots of ways: headaches and muscle tension, poor sleeping, irritability, low motivation or difficulty concentrating, to name just some. 


Stress isn't always a bad thing. In some cases, it can be really handy for an extra burst of energy and focus, like when you're playing a competitive sport or when you have to speak in public. When it's continuous, that's when it actually begins to be harmful and have negative impacts on your brain. 


How Stress Affects your Brain

The attached Conversation Menu is designed to help families explore ways to understand stress better and work together to reduce stress in their home. We hope it helps your family to enjoy your time together with less stress and more joy.


Here are some of our tips and strategies they may be helpful to implement. 



Good mental health and wellbeing allows you to live your life in a positive and meaningful way and cope with life’s changes and challenges.

Some tips from Headspace for a healthy headspace


Youth Central 

Exams are inevitable for students, but they don't have to be painful. These tips can help you get ready for and get through your exams. They can also help you prepare for tests and class presentations, and tackle in-class assignments. 

Youth Central's top 10 exam tips.


DSC Wellbeing Team

Frozen Meals Available

We all know that life throws us challenges. Sometimes even the simplest of things, like cooking a meal can be quite stressful. If you’re nodding your head right now and now you feel like you could get some relief from not having to think about your meals, I have good news for you.  Doncaster Church of Christ has donated a large supply of frozen meals to the College to help those in need.

They will continue to supply us with meals and have a variety of main meals and desserts. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with me if you're interested in this on 98484677.


Katherine Lazarus

College Chaplain

Positive YouTube Clips that Inspire

During these challenging times, we'd like to share some positive videos going around. 

When You Need to Feel Some Joy | SoulPancake Street Team

How long do you think you can watch this without smiling? :) 

Headspace | Mini Meditation | Let Go of Stress

We all get stressed from time to time. A little bit of stress can be beneficial, but when stress overwhelms you, it can have serious health implications including anxiety, depression and cardiovascular disease. Fortunately, Headspace is scientifically proven to reduce stress.