From the Principal
Term 4 Week 4 Kevin Kennedy
Dear Families,
Class Placement
Thank you to everyone who has returned their 2021 class placement form. It provides us with useful information when placing students into classes for next year. We have settled on a class structure model for next year which features a mix of composite and straight classes. As part of this Fridays pupil free day we will begin allocating students to classes, it will take several follow up meetings to complete the process.
Year Seven Graduation
The year seven graduation will continue as it has done in previous years. There will be a graduation ceremony in the school hall followed by a disco for the upper primary students. Due to COVID19 restrictions only two people per family will be able to attend. More information about the evening will be sent home in the coming weeks.
Year Six and Seven Students 2021
Both our year six and seven students will be leaving us next year as the year sevens transition to high school permanently. Both year levels will be treated as graduating classes. They will have the opportunity to wear final year tops and jumpers and participate in a graduation ceremonies, while also participating in all the things that final year students would participate in at West Beach Primary.
Should you have any queries or concerns please contact me at the school
Kind regards,
Kevin Kennedy