School News


All State schools have an External School Review every three years. The review for Grange Primary School is taking place on Monday 19th August and Tuesday 20th August 2019.  The purpose of external school review is to support schools to raise student achievement and sustain high performance and to provide an expert external perspective, with a view to improving learning practices.  


As part of this process, we invite parents to participate in a Parent Discussion Group

on Tuesday 20th August, 8.45 a.m. - 9.25 a.m. at Grange Primary School, with an External Review Officer.  If you would like to be involved in this discussion, please RSVP to


Debbie Moore

Parent & Community Liaison Officer

Grange Primary School

Canteen News

Canteen volunteers are always welcome. Please see Jo in the canteen to register your interest.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated. 



Term 3

Week 4 2019

Monday - Help Needed

Tuesday - Help Needed

Wednesday - Zina Spirdinoff

Thursday - Helen Orfanidis

Friday - Kelly Miige

Week 5 2019

Monday - Help Needed

Tuesday - Help Needed

Wednesday - Zina Spirdinoff

Thursday - Helen Orfanidis

Friday - Kelly Miige

Entertainment Books

Now Available From the Front Office!

Don't forget to purchase your copy today. 

Funds raised will help the school to upgrade outdoor play spaces for our students.