General Information 

The Wakakirri performance is fast approaching and we are super excited and hoping to have lots of Clovelly friends and family attend.  The performance will be held at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre at 7pm on Thursday 11th of August.

Tickets are $40 and will be made available to purchase through Ticketek from Tuesday 12th of July.  If your child is involved in Wakakirri, or if you would like to come and support the amazing performers from Clovelly, please make sure you jump online to get a good seat. We would love to see you there.  Just go to and search Wakakirri and select the performance being held on Thursday 11th of August. We look forward to seeing you there!


2023 Reception Enrolments

If your child is starting Reception next year, please see the front office for an enrolment form.


Difficulty in parking in Renown Place

We have had several complaints of children crossing the road and narrowly avoiding cars as they exit and enter through the school gates.  Please attempt to park on Renown Avenue to reduce this traffic problem and ensure the safety of our children.    In anticipation of the IELC buses returning at the beginning of Term 3, we remind you that the left hand side of Renown Place will be reserved for the buses.

The Marion Council will soon extend the yellow 'no parking' line along the right-hand side of the road prohibiting any parking on this side as well.


B Kinder Day

B Kinder Day is all about being kind to others in honor of a young girl who cared about her community and those around her.  During this day students in schools discuss the meaning of kindness and  engage in tasks that emphasize the message of hope, empathy, and change in the world. The purpose of B Kinder Day is to show the rippling effects of kindness. It was created hoping that schools all over the world would participate in the event on the same day.

Classes R2, G2 and G4 worked on 'filling their bucket' of kindness!


Bucket Filling for B Kinder Day 

Each person carries with them an invisible bucket and when that bucket is full, the person is feeling happy, confident, secure, calm and content. It is important that we all add to people’s buckets rather than taking from them.   You fill a bucket when you show kindness to someone. That's being a bucket filler. A bucket filler is someone who says or does nice things to other people without being asked.  Students were invited to share an act of kindness they displayed or witnessed by adding a post-it note to our whole school bucket.


Classes Y2 & Y7 participated in the Letterbox Project, writing cards to elderly and lonely people around Australia.  This project was organised by our Wellbeing Leader and is nationwide!  The letters will be collected from all participating schools and distributed to the individual recipients. Having read the cards written by our students, we are confident that they will brighten the day for each of the recipients!