News of the Week
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to the student edition of the newsletter, we hope you enjoy reading about what is happening in our school.
We have been learning about measurement and how we can identify the small lengths and the tall lengths. We have also been learning about the school rules and how we need to follow them all the time. We have also learned how to tell the time, we have been doing this in different ways, to identify the right time
Year 3/4
In 3/4 we have been learning about rules and laws and we have been making a board game, in which we are making rules on how to play. In math we have been learning about measurement and how we can identify length and width. Also in math we have been learning about factors and how to multiply them.
by Sass and Ella
On Thursday 21st July 2022, the Year Sixes are making a very special Sacrament - the Sacrament of Confirmation. Confirmation is being celebrated at St Brigid's church in Mordialloc at 7pm. We wish the Year Sixes all the best with making this Sacrament, and having this wonderful opportunity.
By Ella
Some of our students have been trying out for different sports as part of the School Sports Victoria. The students can participate in up to 4 trials before being selected as part of the Victorian Primary School teams.
Tess K tried out for Soccer and has made it into the Victorian Primary School Soccer team. Congratulations Tess.
Interview with Tess K
How many trials did you have to do and did you make the soccer team?
I did 3 trials, each trial went for 3 hours each. Yes I made the team, the team was announced on the School Sport Victoria website.
How excited are you to do the tournament?
Very excited, we get to play each state. The tournament starts on the 15th of October with an opening ceremony and matches starting on the 16th of October.
Where is the tournament taking place?
Western Australia, all states will travel there and play every match in Western Australia.
Interview with Sophie D
Sophie is also trying out for the Victorian Sports Golf Team.
What sport are you trying for?
Golf, I train twice a week and play every 3 weeks.
When's your tryout day?
August 5, 2022, in the morning at Woodlands, which is where I train.
Are you nervous?
Yeah a bit, I am most nervous about how good the other students I will play against are.
We wish Sophie and Tess lots of luck.
We also wish good luck to Aiden D who is competing in the Vic trials for Squash on the weekend.
Mrs Kostence by Sophie
How are you finding St Brigids?
I’m really enjoying working here.
What is your favorite subject to teach?
I like ICT but I also like staying with one class.
What are we going to be learning this term?
First we started with eSafety,
Foundation - Logging on and off and coding with the beebots
1/2 ‘s coding with the dash robots
3/4 ‘s, the year are learning the Lego Wedo and the 5/6’s are refreshing on coding with the Lego Mindstorms.
What school did you come from?
St Patricks in Mentone.
Mrs Kimball by Marcel I
What are we going to be learning this term?
We are going to be finishing our 3D cakes. We are going to be doing mixed media which are things like water drops background, drawing and painting a budgie at the top.
What do you like most about St Brigid's?
The community and how nice everyone is here.
When did you start enjoying art?
Primary school when I was young.
Who is your favourite artist?
Frida Kahlo
Miss Richards by Tess
What are we going to learn this term?
Bike Ed
What is your favourite sport?
Tennis because I play tennis outside of school.
What do you like most about St Brigid's?
I love teaching students new sports and seeing their confidence grow.
In interschool sports we have had three teams get into the grand final which is a very big achievement! The teams who made it to the finals were volleyball mixed, girls soccer and boys soccer. The results were Soccer boys lost 7-1, Soccer girls won 7-6 and Volleyballers won 2 sets to 1. Congratulations to the Volleyball team and the girls Soccer for winning the grand finals.
The soccer and volleyball teams will go on to play in the Division level. The girls soccer team will play Tuesday 26th July, but this date will be confirmed this afternoon. The Volleyball team will be playing in Term 4.
By Marcel
By Sophie
This term the Year 5 and 6’s will be going to Coonawarra Camp. Their dates will be Monday 22nd August to Wednesday 24th August. That will be in Week 7 of Term 3. This is the camp the 56’s will be going to - Coonawarra Resort.
The Year 4’s will be going into the city for a night. Their dates will be the 30th of November to the 1st of December.
Bike Ed
Miss Richards -
We are learning road safety and bike safety. While also learning how to control a bike and having fun.
Prep -
Alanah - We learnt to look straight while riding
Sean- I learnt to check my bike before riding
Year 1/2 -
Isla - I learnt to check my bike before I ride and I learnt how to go over a ramp.
Georgia - I learnt to check my bike and my helmet. I learnt how to stand up on my bike and ride it.
Year 3/4 -
Spencer-I learnt ABC bike steps to check that your bike is ready to ride and is safe to ride. We did an activity when you are about to hit the cone you stop straight away.We also did another activity were we had to catch the tennis balls and throught the balls in the goals
Christina- We learnt to ride with one hand and check our bikes. We went over a jump and it was fun. We did an obstacle course and we had to swerve through cones.
Year 5/6 -
Kaya- In Bike Ed we did this jump and we had to make sure our pedals were even. We learnt a way to check our bikes before riding that is called the A.B.C.D. We learnt we had to wear the ride shoes and wear helmets.
Beau - We raced each other and then braked slowly at the line. Then we did a slow race to see who could go the slowest and we went over a jump.
Congratulations to our Semester 2 Wellbeing Reps
Aim: “Students have an authentic voice and are active agents in their learning and wellbeing.”
Catholic Education Melbourne 2018, eXcel: Wellbeing for learning in Catholic school communities
FE | Nate H & Ava M |
FD | Riley M & Charlize A |
1/2 R | Isla M & Mato B |
2Y | Matthew T & Roisin S |
3Y | Saoirse S & Ethan R |
3/4 K | Iris P & Royce B |
3/4 F | Mason D & Charlotte D |
56 A | Lucy W & Max A |
56 H | Alice G & Evan D |
56 C | Emi T & Marcel I |
Thursday 4 August 6.30pm
Kingston Youth Services together with the Butterfly Foundation are excited to host the upcoming online parent information night on Body Confident Children and Teens.
Join the experts from the Butterfly Foundation for a free, relaxed and informative 1hr 15min webinar for parents/carers on practical strategies for supporting positive body image in children and teens.
Topics include:
the power of positive role modelling
reducing appearance talk
healthy behaviours in relation to eating and exercise
early intervention
referral advice
This is a free online event for parents / carers of young people 12 to 25 years old who have a connection to the City of Kingston (live, work, study).
Please also note this event will not be recorded and is intended for an adult audience, we kindly ask that children do not participate. However, for further information and free resources, families with teenagers you can access Body Kind Families.
Mrs Wendt
As you are aware we are in the midst of another surge of Covid which then brings us to the dilemma of having large groups gathered together. I have had a a Webex with Dr Mary Oski last night and I have spoken to my Principal Consultant and the advice given is that we need to reduce the amount of gathering indoors at schools. Due to this advice we will be recording the assembly tomorrow and this will go out on the schools youtube channel. The recording will be unlisted so only the parents at school who have the link can find the recording. We have also decided to move the disco to later in the term as we have a few cases of COVID in the junior area.
A reminder that our Student Led Conferences will be held next week on Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th July.
School finishes at 1.30pm on Tuesday 26th July and TeamKids will be open if you need to book your child in.
We look forward to your participation in these conferences. If you haven't already done so please make your booking by 12 noon on Monday 25 July. Click here for the booking link to Schoolinterview. The Booking Code is jpmge.
We have allowed bookings for both Onsite and By Phone Family Conferences. Due to changes initiated by Zoom we can no longer offer our Family Conferences on this platform.
For all other enquiries in relation to our Family Conferences contact Tracey on 9580 4518.
Get Well Soon Ethan
Ethan F in 3/4F has had a really rough few weeks at the Monash Children's Hospital. We were really happy to see this lovely photo of Ethan doing Art Class with the Monash Children's Hospital School. We hope you are feeling better soon Ethan and we can't wait to have you back at school.
I would also like to take this opportunity to wish all the best to our Confirmation candidates who are celebrating the sacrament tonight.
Take care and stay safe.
Wendy Sullivan