School News

2017 Annual General Meeting​

The 2017 Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 13th February at 6:15pm in the Staff Room.

JP Garden Upgrade

Over the past two weeks the JP Garden Upgrade has been underway. The area is coming along very well and if everything goes to plan will be ready for students to use next Monday. Thank you to the Fundraising Committee and the school community for enabling this project to happen. 

Lunch Orders

Vilis will once again be delivering lunch orders on a Monday and Friday. Subway will deliver on Wednesday. Lunch order bags can be collected from the Front office.

Hats and Uniform

Just a reminder that students need to be sun smart and wear hats during Term 1. We would also like to remind families to label all  uniform to ensure that we are able to return any lost items. 

Council Parking

From 30 January 2017 until 24 February 2017, The City of West Torrens Council will have compliance officers, in high visibility vests, visit the streets around the school to explain the street signs and to offer brochures with further information regarding the  different zones. During this period compliance officers will  only be educating drivers  for any offences. From Monday 27 February 2017 the compliance team will be patrolling all the school pick up and drop off zones within the Council area on a regular basis and may issue expiation notices for offences that are identified.