Principal’s Report

Tamy Stubley

As we head into the semester break, we look forward to a little bit of time to reflect on the year to date. I trust that all students and families will have a safe and happy two weeks.  Our mid-year exams have come and gone, and we are very pleased with the commitment shown by our students. It has been a while since we have been able to run these exams and they provide a wonderful opportunity to experience the rigour and expectations required to be successful in Year 12.


Semester reports will be available on Compass by the end of this week, and I encourage all parents and guardians to spend time with your child reviewing and reflecting on the report. This is a terrific opportunity to celebrate successes and to look for the next area of growth for your child.


To our senior students, it has been a very busy semester, especially in recent weeks with many Unit 1 and 3 assessments having been completed. I strongly recommend that VCE students take the time during the two-week break to review notes to help consolidate your knowledge and understanding. If possible, draw upon your revision strategies, past exam papers or other resources to begin preparation for the end of year. Essentially, there is only one full term of secondary school remaining in 2022.


You may be aware that Victoria’s Senior Secondary Education is changing from 2023. From next year, all senior students will enrol in VCE. The VCE will now include the Vocational Major pathway, which is a 2-year program that will provide students with more educational choices and enhanced workplace experiences. Students will have access to high-quality, relevant vocational education, and applied learning opportunities. Senior students will hear more about these opportunities early into Term 3.


In July 2021, the Victorian Government announced that 11 new Child Safe Standards (CSS) will replace Victoria’s seven current Child Safe Standards and principles from Friday 1 July 2022. These new Child Safe Standards are more closely aligned with the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. For more details about the standards and the changes taking place from 1 July, please refer to the Commission for Children and Young People (CCYP) information sheet via the link below.   


Our College Leadership and Wellbeing teams have been focusing on the transition to the new standards and will present our updated policy on the new Victorian Child Safe Standards and Ministerial Order No. 1359 to the College School Council at our July meeting. We will continue to work together as a community to further strengthen our culture of child safety and wellbeing at the College. 


The Department of Education and Training has provided schools with the option to hold each teacher’s allocated professional practice day on the same day for all staff again in term three. As a result, we have scheduled our Professional Practice Day on Wednesday 17 August. Students will not be required to attend school on this day, and we will send a reminder to families, closer to the event.


Moving into the holidays, take the time to relax, recharge and try to stay off your devices as much as possible. Get as much exercise as possible, enjoy the fresh air and reflect on what you did well during this term, what you have learnt about yourself and start to understand what you are truly capable of achieving.


Tamy Stubley
