News from 7S

What’s going on in maths?
In 7S, we have just finished a unit of work started only a few weeks ago… statistics! Who doesn’t love collecting data, then putting it into a graph?
Our teacher, Ms Wilson, first introduced us to the topic through a pre-test but made everything better by giving us a variety of statistics-based activities to complete and have fun with.
One of the activities was completing graph cards which asked questions relating to the graph, which needed to be solved. Another activity being a cute Easter themed ‘Crack the Code’ worksheet, then drawing graphs using data gathered from a cup of tea! And my favourite activity… Mean, Median, Mode, and Range maze cards, though the sound of doing it doesn’t seem that fun, working together with friends to find the answer was so funny to do.
We then moved on to learning more about Mean, Median, Mode, and Range. As well as: Dot Plots, Stem and Leaf plots, and Outliers. Maths in 7S has been great, and I can confidently say that I really have learned a lot this term having Ms Wilson as my teacher, and I’m sure fellow classmates can say the same thing.
As our statistics unit comes to an end, we begin a new unit, ‘Number Properties and Directed Numbers’, where we have already learnt about prime numbers and done some work with them!
I’m looking forward to learning more things, and to future lessons in maths with Ms Wilson.
Josiah Zacarias
Class Leader