Student Wellbeing 


The Wellbeing Team have compiled a range of resources and support services for students and families to access via Compass under Community (the two people) – School Documentation – For Students/For Parents – Wellbeing Resources.

Youth support services 

headspace: visit to find your nearest centre or call headspace on 

1800 650 890.


Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800 or 




SANE Australia: 1800 187 263 or

National 24/7 crisis services 

Lifeline:13 11 14 or 


Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467 or 


beyondblue: 1300 224 636 or


Parent Support

Parentline: 13 22 89


If you would like further ongoing support, it is recommended that you make an appointment with your family General Practitioner (G.P.) where you can discuss the concerns that you may behaving. The G.P. will then be able to make the appropriate referral for ongoing support as required.


Student Wellbeing Team

Instagram:  @wcwellbeinghub



Guiseppe Relia – Social Worker

Sanela Avdic – Social Worker

Lea Marrison - Mental Health Practitioner

Tajinder Wulff - Mental Health Practitioner