Podcasting Workshop
Podcasting Workshop
On Monday 16th May, Year 11 VCAL students attended SYN fm at RMIT University to complete a workshop on Podcasting. During their time they developed their own ideas for podcasts and worked in small groups to create a class podcast that we listened to in a following assembly.
Students were able to go into the recording studio at SYN fm and learn how to record their own podcasts. They were instructed how to keep a conversation flowing by asking open ended questions and prompting one another so there would be no “dead air” during their segment. The team at SYN fm then edited the students recordings and made a final cut which included 7 segments and great commentary from our hosts Jarrod Hunter and Pietrina Frau.
The students demonstrated teamwork and creative skills as they developed their podcasts. They are currently utilising these skills as they make their own podcasts in class to demonstrate their oracy skills for unit 2 of Literacy.
Alex Shephard
Middle Years Transition