Principal Team Editorial

National Reconciliation Week
This week marks reconciliation week across the country. National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
Whilst we have made significant progress in the last couple of years, to better connect with and recognise the connection to our indigenous past, present and future, I recognise that there is more that we need to do as a school community in this area.
In recent times, we have produced an acknowledgment of country video destined by and featuring our indigenous students, we have increased the amount of visual representations (aboriginal artwork) around our college grounds and, last year, all staff undertook Cultural Understanding and Sensitivity Training.
Going forward we will be identifying school leaders (staff) who will drive further improvements in this area including a path to developing a reconciliation action plan.
Busy, Busy, Busy!
It’s been a busy couple of weeks both in school and offsite. The Performing Arts Showcases were very well attended last week and audiences were exposed to some impressive talent and application. Students were supported by an amazing and dedicated team of teachers.
The Parents of Performing Arts parents were also in attendance to lend a hand, increasing the community feel of these particular events.
We also held multiple Interschool Sport experiences, Cross Country, KIOSC, Year 12 Formal, the list goes on and on!
Students at our school are very fortunate to have the opportunity to get involved in countless activities that provide them with a very well-rounded educational experience which goes beyond the classroom.
Now that things are returning to normal, traditional school camps like Music Camp and the Northern Territory Tour are back and these experiences will provide life long memories and bonds for students and staff.
Expect some upcoming news about further new opportunities that students will be offered which will allow these experiences to be explored even further.
Kevin Murphy