Road Safety

Wednesday June 1st all Year 11’s participated in a presentation given by John Maher about road safety. The presentation was titled Carmen’s Story and featured his personal experiences and the tragic consequences of unsafe driving. He started off with his own experience of being in a car crash where he was violently hit and crushed by an individual who lost control of her car. He mentions how he is still living with the horrifying consequences of the accident and still attends physiotherapy. He then goes on to talk about his 18 year old daughter Carmen, who unfortunately fell asleep at the wheel and died instantly in the crash. 


This presentation was extremely impactful and eye opening as he highlighted just how important it is to drive safely on the roads. He repeatedly mentioned how we are the most important people in the world and how grief stricken our family and friends would be if we died in a car accident. This grief and pain will last a lifetime. By following all road rules and making sure you are fit to drive, we all can stay safe on the roads. 


Thank you John for delivering such an impactful presentation for all of us!


Jessica Whitcher and Maggie Burridge

Year 11 Students